Thursday 3 December 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 152 Review: These Two Guys We've Heard Before Is Also This Guy

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 152: Down to the Candlelight

We get more Diane fluff in the beginning and it's pretty fun. Not as filler-y as last chapter, and I do admit the need to give the Diane/Matrona stuff some room to breathe, thus necessitating the previous unremarkable chapter. Also like everyone speculated, Diane's dancing allows her to be more attuned to the earth and will improve her earthbending skills, which she does in causing a giant dirt tsunami... except nope dream sequence.

All the random scenes with the kids end up culminating with the fourth bird demon (which was randomly missing last chapter) having apparently killed dealt mortal, incurable wounds to two of Matrona's children, and how she just exacts revenge with the most utterly disinterested, broken look on her face... She just absolutely wrecks the chicken demon, and demonstrates just what happens when you do a Chibaku Tensei on a character who can't transform into a giant energy demon fox. You get utterly crushed into a blobby mess of chicken organs. 

Matrona's just absolutely sad about the kids, and this leads to her going off to Vaizel and winning the tournament for the supposed genie-esque 'grant a wish' prize. Diane goes with her, and Zapara tells Diane to basically look out for Matrona. Who I'm betting will totes die because of the mentor syndrome.

Meanwhile, the big gigantic demon dude is talking about how Galan and Merascylla are slain. Scylla's death is confirmed? Boo! Tentacle girl calls the giant Balor, as in Balor's Eye, Hawk's power level scrying artifact... but Balor corrects Tentacle girl, noting that Balor is the name the humans refer to him as, and his real name is... Dolor! Um, who I forgot was the founder of the giant race until I looked it up. Kay then, these two people we've only heard the names of are the same guy with this giant four-armed burlap-faced dude we've seen slight hints of before. Dolor/Balor does seem to be missing an eye when we see his face under that burlap hood, and his involvement in all this definitely makes Matrona and Diane's involvement, well, actually relevant. 

Nothing much to talk about, but still a pretty great chapter.

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