Thursday 17 December 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 154 Review: Massacre

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 154: The Demon Smiles

Well, that's definitely a chapter that screams escalation. I've been complaining ever since the Pleiades of the Azure Sky took down Dreyfus/Fraudrin that it just seems overtly convenient that this group that hasn't even done anything but embarrass themselves by picking a fight with Meliodas can somehow take down one of the most major Ten Commandments, and, well, this chapter shows that the Ten Commandments are still threats, and manages to do it without just simple 'we're stronger' but actually shows previews of abilities that make them far deadlier than just displays of power. And they manage to do it without really underselling the stronger Azure Sky dudes. 

This chapter starts off with Dogget, the Ideo-lookalike that made a fool of himself by being kung-fu'd by Meliodas (I didn't realize Deathpierce was one of the three Azure Sky Knights we saw earlier) arriving and relieving Wayeo, Arden and Deldry from their guard duty. Fraudrin keeps talking about how Gowther is this big threat and the "thou shalt not covet" commandment (so we're going back to using the biblical commandments then). Despite being made a bit of a fool in his past few appearances, Fraudrin boasts that he can get out of the Perfect Cube any time he wants to...

By which he means, wait for reinforcement. Dogget comes in, having disarmed Perfect Cube... and then starts talking in a creepy disjointed fashion. How the tower is a giant tree that's calcified for some time. How there are two sources of magic, and one of them gives him a bad feeling. All the while he starts sprouting faces and his body gets torn apart in the epitome of glorious, gruesome body horror. 

And, well, it's Mr. "Shadow Blob With Lots of Creepy Masks", my second-favourite design (Galan is still #1) among the Ten Commandments, who's the 'thou shalt not kill' commandment, Gray Road. It's rather surprising that 'thou shalt not kill' isn't one of the more major characters like Fraudrin or Estarossa, but hey.

Deldrey, Wayeo and Arden meet up with the real Dogget, who's all confused and shit... and apparently Gray Road didn't kill Dogget and take over his body like I expected, or assimilate Dogget into his body. But I guess he is the commandment that doesn't kill.

Fraudrin is all for fighting two-on-two, but much to Deathpierce's (and my) surprise, Denzel lets Fraudrin go and sheathes his sword. And while Deathpierce can seal off the two Commandments' powers, Denzel points out that with Gray Road in play, even if they can kill the two Commandments, they can't detain them, since even if they succeed in killing Fraudrin (stop calling the dude Dreyfus, Denzel) they would be subjected to Gray Road's commandment.

And as Fraudrin and Gray Road leaves, Fraudrin gives one last 'fuck you' to Deathpierce by showing that even with his magic suppressed, Fraudrin can still pull off, well, Toriko Intimidation or Conqueror's Haki or what-have-you and just overwhelm Deathpierce with his aura. Fraudrin and Gray Road exit the temple or whatever and are stopped by the four Azure Sky mooks. Doubtful that Dogget is going to do jack shit against them, but Deldry tries to use her seduction voice thing... which Fraudrin had cast a precaution spell against and he just stabs Deldry in the stomach.

Do it in the neck or chest, damn it, manga characters never die from stomach wounds.

Fraudrin goes off giving them some weird message from Dreyfus-within-his-body about making precious partners or some shit... before he stops and just thinks to himself what point is there in keeping the Azure Sky people alive. Fraudrin then launches this gigantic blast of lightning at Wayeo, Dogget, Arden and Deldry and BOOM! Giant explosion. I honestly don't particularly care for the four of them and they're minor enough to die -- Denzel and Deathpierce are the only ones that IMO really matter. Deldrey certainly is most likely dead. Good to see that Deldrey's power isn't as overpowered as it initially seemed.

But then, there's the whole Gray Road's 'thou shalt not kill' thing that might be going on, and Fraudrin certainly went at the Azure Sky dudes with intent to kill, so I dunno... the curses have so far been established to pretty much do their thing on anyone, demon or not, so either Fraudrin didn't kill them and only maimed them or something or maybe Fraudrin lied about Gray Road's commandment to scare the shit out of Denzel and Deathpierce? Or maybe... the Commandment rules don't apply to other Commandments?

But hey, that's some big escalation, a great chapter, a big awesome comeback from Fraudrin and Gray Road is the new weird-looking Commandment that I'm secretly rooting for.

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