Tuesday 8 March 2016

One Piece 818 Review: X Marks Tha Spot

One Piece, Chapter 818: Within the Whale

I am so so so sorry, but real life is being a bitch. And while reading manga is easy enough on a phone, typing reviews is another thing especially when you're on a job with insane hours like mine. And I haven't watched a lot of last week's superhero TV shows, let alone this week's. So forgive me if these set of reviews are a bit shorter than the normal size.

A mega-Tokyo-Ghoul-RE review for the bombshells that are chapters 66 and 67 are coming tomorrow or the day after. Hopefully.

But here, have the Shonen Jump big three in bite-size format.

We get more Mink/Wano stuff revealed here and there, and holy shit Raizou's head is massive. Again, while the revelations and the tie-ins that the Wano and Mink tribes have gone so far back ago in time I've always found it rather difficult to really care about the Wano-kuni kingdom, even with the relevance they stuff into the Wano thing... so of course they drop two gigantic bombshells into it, two of which form the cliffhanger for this chapter. Namely, that Oden Kouzuki, Momonosuke's father and the apparently-late daimyo, was a member of Gol D. Roger's crew. And that Wanokuni is now under Kaidou's control.

And more importantly is more discussion about the endgame, and how the Straw Hats are supposed to find Raftel. There are four red poneglyphs, these 'Road Poneglyphs', which point to four locations. The point formed by the 'X' created by drawing these four locations on a map marks Raftel, all pirate treasure style. And, of course, while one of them is at Zou, the other two are on the hands of Big Mom and Kaidou, so we have an idea of what the endgame for the whole Yonkou/Raftel thing will be. That's another great tie-in, and tying in even more to make the Wano stuff relevant is that the Kouzuki clan are descended from the carvers that made the poneglyphs in the first place.

So yeah, good way to make the Yonkou and the big One Piece/Roger myth arcs all intertwine smoothly, and a great way to make Wanokuni relevant. I think despite the lack of action or big character moments aside from Sanji, the Zou arc has been the best at just dropping a crapton of new developments as far as the big myth plot arc goes. 

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