Saturday 12 March 2016

Toriko 362 Review: Random Plot Points

Toriko, Chapter 362: 

It's not that this chapter is bad in the strictest sense. It's still exciting, nicely built up and is a fun little worldbuilding moment... but considering how much of Acacia's Full Course and the Gourmet World themes have been completely cut out -- like I ranted last chapter we don't even get a cursory tasting scene for Atom, Earth and News -- but some utterly random and newly-introduced plot points like Ootake, Starjun's brohood with Toriko and this stupid shellfish oni thing gets a crap more screentime. I mean, who the fuck even gives a fuck about Ootake? Brunch showing up is fun because Brunch is nice, but Ootake wants to nose himself into the plot and I don't care about him. He gets half a chapter to rant about how he wants to have delicious and whatnot and bullshit and Atom, Earth, News and their respective areas don't even get a panel? I call bullshit on that.

The golden can contains this weird Ougai, which looks like the thing on Slowbro's tail, which apparently wakes up the third winged oni within Toriko's body. Which makes jack shit sense because in no part of the previous 361 chapters have the existence of this Ougai, the fact that the demon can be woken up by a particular ingredient or whatever the fuck this plot development does not make sense.

Cool that Toriko's third demon is waking up, but really, you need to have this stupid Ougai for that instead of, oh, using the actually plot-relevant-but-cut-out dishes of Acacia's full course? Like, you had four of them. And frankly it's insulting that we had an entire arc for Another, but Toriko just chooses this random stupid-looking deus ex machina of a fish dish over it.

Coco, Sunny and Zebra put their respective Acacia Dish to their own full courses, which I really don't care about because what the fuck are they even? We don't even know what they are beyond cursory descriptions. So, yeah, I literally don't care!

Also Don Slime apparently killed Acacia Neo. Yeah, it's not going to stand, knowing Shonen manga conventions. 

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