Glacial Shard
The Glacial Shard is another one-mana Elemental, which I think is a fair bit better than the Fire Fly. It's a 1-mana 2/1 with a battlecry of freezing an enemy, basically Frost Elemental downsized. One mana's great for triggering Elementals, and as the legendary Hunter quest shows, there's at least one class that really likes one-drops. Freezing enemies might just be a dud effect if the enemy doesn't have minions, but if they do it's actually a pretty decent disable attached to a 2/1. No, not the most powerful one-drop out there, but it's a simple one that's good but not particularly great.
Glorious Glimmerroot
The Glorious Glimmerroot is a very interesting Priest card. It's a 3-mana 3/3, so sub-par stats, but its effect is a unique take on the Drakonid Operative style "copy a card from your opponent's deck" effect... because you play a minigame! You have to look at 3 cards, and choose the one that started in your opponent's deck. If you choose right, then Glimmerroot is a 3/3 that draws a card, like a balanced-statline Drakonid Operative. If you choose wrong then it just kind of sucks. The Glimmerroot is a very interesting case, for sure, in that how powerful it is depends on how good the 'guess these cards' choice algorithm is. If it's a warrior and you're shown Fiery War Axe/Magma Rager/Nozdormu it doesn't take a genius to know which card started in your opponent's deck. If it's Fiery War Axe/Brawl/Grommash Hellscream, on the other hand, it might require some thought to figure out just what kind of Warrior deck your opponent's running. Also, the fact that you'll only draw one card instead of choosing out of three like Drakonid Operative means that you have no real say if the card turns out to be absolutely unusable like Shield Slam or Deadly Potion. Still, a very interesting effect nonetheless.

Lost in the Jungle
Paladin spell, where you summon two 1/1 Silver Hand Recruits for 1 mana. Basically Living Roots without the choose one. Part of Living Root's strength is the choice and the potential to deal direct damage. It's a boring card, we don't have any real Silver Hand Recruit synergy (unless you want to combo this with Steward of Darkshire or Dinosize, and I can think of better cards than this) so I don't see this being anything but filler.

Mana Bind
A very unique Mage Secret -- when your opponent casts a spell, get a 0-cost copy of it. It doesn't really add anything new, your enemy's going to play Coins and Deadly Poisons to draw out Counterspell anyway... but the off chance that your opponent plays a useful spell it can be a pretty powerful and punishing comeback. 0-mana Pyroblast? Kazakus Potions? Twisting Nethers? Holy Novas? It's not a secret that I really see being super-useful in the same vein that we don't see a lot of Getaway Kodos, but it's definitely a cool card, and one that looks like a lot of fun nonetheless.

Vilespine Slayer
A 5-mana scary-looking plant, the Vilespine Slayer has a measly 3/4 statline... but it has Combo: Destroy a minion. It's Assassinate, but it comes with a 3/4 body as long as you combo it. We've seen that larger Combo minions are a bit harder to hit, like Shado-Pan Rider, but then Shado-Pan Rider is really the only hugely costed Combo card (Kidnapper who?) and the effect isn't really huge enough to warrant playing. Destruction effects, though? Vilespine Slayer destroys an enemy and still stays on the board, and I do think that it might be one of the cards that you play in a Shadowstep-Shadowdancer style deck. It even benefits from the "turn your minions into a 5/5" thing from the Crystal Core. It's probably not the most ideal minion to complete the Rogue quest, but I can see myself trying out the Vilespine Slayer in those decks, that's for sure. A very interesting design, and the fact that it's not a spell probably will save it from being nerfed like so many other Rogue cards.
Living Mana

Mirage Caller
Lots of Tol'vir and Anubisath in this expansion, yeah? The Mirage Caller is a smaller Herald Volazj, but she's a 3-mana 2/3 and you only choose one minion to make a 1/1 copy. The smaller size means that Mirage Caller is far easier to set up a combo with than Volazj, and Volazj tends to only hit one or two minions at one go anyway. Ultimately I don't think this is going to be super good mostly because Ragnaros is leaving Standard, but hitting cards with aura effects like Prophet Velen is still going to be pretty powerful for a game-winning combo. It's not going to be that good, though, I predict -- it's a Barnes that requires you to have already done some setup work.
Corrupting Mist
A very interesting Warlock card. For 2 mana, you cast Corruption on every minion. It's kind of like Doomsayer, but different. Doomsayer doesn't guarantee the destruction of the board, but you can bet that Doomsayer's going to tank a removal or at least 7 damage from your enemy's minions, and it discourages your opponent from summoning any more minions. Corrupting Mist ensures the destruction of the minions already on the board, but during the turn after you play Corrupting Mist your opponent's board is still going to hit your face, plus it doesn't do anything against minions your opponents play on that turn. Still, a pretty interesting design for a card. I'm just not sure it has a place in the current Renolock style decks, or in the hypothetical Discard Warlock we'll have in the future.
Molten Blade
Oh, hey, a Warrior card. Haven't seen a lot of those. Molten Blade is a 1-mana 1/1 weapon... that has the Shifter Zerus effect. For each turn it's in your hand, it transforms into a different weapon. The thing is, one of the weaknesses of Malkorok is that sometimes you get a Cursed Blade and you just lose the game there. Well, Cursed Blade is leaving Standard, so Molten Blade will almost certainly be a good card, and maybe you can bank on it becoming a Doomhammer. Upgraded Arcanite Reaper getting you down? Well, fear an Upgraded Doomhammer! Out of all the weapons that Molten Blade can transform into, I don't think there's any that's particularly bad, and honestly even if you get Light's Justice all you have to do is to wait a turn before it turns into something better.
The Marsh Queen

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