My Hero Academia, Chapter 133: Give Chase, Kirishima!
Will probably do Attack on Titan next week when better translations come out.
It's a huge Kirishima-centric chapter, continuing from the previous one. Suneater has his quirk disabled, Fatgum is... not really doing much but he's absolutely surprised that the bad guys had a 'quirk eraser'. Kirishima is chasing the bad guy, who I'm going to call Mr. Douche. Kirishima tells Mr. Douche what a douche he was for shooting someone, but then running away, and the manga makes a great, great effort at portraying Mr. Douche as a sad coward. His quirk is like three teeny-tiny blades on his lower arm that really is less effective than if he had brought along like a kitchen knife. Kirishima knocks him with a single punch and he blubbers and cries on the ground about how all he wants is to save his buddies and all he wanted was to be strong. Kirishima is even starting to give words of encouragement... and then he injects himself in the neck.
Then Mr. Douche unleashes a crapton of blades from his body, similar to the creepy BDSM villain dude... Moonfish, I think? I always thought that Moonfish's ability was cool, but the character was criminally underused (which was a point that Overhaul made sure Shigaraki knew). So for some reason Overhaul is supplying these random mooks with a serum that gives them Moonfish powers? Then is the quirk-cancelling drug derived from Aizawa?

We then have a flashback to the dorm, where Kirishima notes how he's unable to keep up pace with everyone else like Tokoyami and Bakugou, and wisdom comes from Bakugou of all people who notes that Kirishima's strength is that he's stupidly strong.
And Kirishima, well, he gets stronger on the spot, hardening his skin so much that his fingers become claws and he gets spikier and more metallic, and Mr. Douche's metal blades just absolutely shatters against his body. And when the dust lifts, Kirishima is this awesome-looking metal rock-skinned monster.
So yeah, it's not just Bakugou and Midoriya that are improving and becoming stronger. Even a relatively minor character like Kirishima isn't willing to just give up and be left behind by everyone else... he ain't Yamcha, people! And yeah, the transformation might not be super-spectacular, it's just a spikier, angrier Kirishima, but still, the transformation sequence is pretty cool, and this chapter both shows the growth of a side character as well as developing the Overhaul plot pretty seamlessly without the need of introdumps. The flashback might be a bit too much for my tastes, but it's honestly not that huge of a problem. Great chapter.
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