My Hero Academia, Chapter 134: Show Your Guts, Red Riot!

Kirishima unelashes an insane Red Gauntlet punch onto blade-dude, knocking him down just as his power-up time runs out. Kirishima is still more compassionate than not, though, especially when the dude starts blubbering again. I feel that this is going to end up to b kind of a weakness that Kirishima's going to need to overcome -- sometimes a surrendering enemy's just bluffing. Blade dude creates a fuckton of blades to propel himself away, but Fat Gum shows up and bloops him down.
Fat Gum tells Kirishima about the differences between a villain and a hero's game plan and objectives, all the while suppressing Blade Dude within his fatty folds. There's a bit of an introdump from the narrator about Fat Gum's powers, some talk of cleanup and people all being impressed with this new Red Riot superhero dude that saved everyone, some talk about the special handgun recovered, and Suneater being kind of sad and mopey.
We then have a brief scene change to the next day where Kirishima (and Tsuyu and Uraraka) end up being the stars in the internet for being super-awesome superheroes. Can I just say how happy I am how this manga is treating its side characters? Like, last time it was Tokoyami and Aoyama. Before that Todoroki, Tsuyu and Mineta. Now it's Kirishima's turn. The manga really, really makes great use of the secondary characters and developing them as their own characters instead of just reducing them to cannon fodder or cheerleading squads, having each secondary character still interact with the main cast, still are involved in stories that are relevant to the bigger picture, still not being a spotlight-stealing squadron... it's a great, great balance that other mangas didn't quite manage to do in one way or another. We'll see how long Boku no Hero Academia can keep this up, yeah? Hopefully for a long, long time.
The rest of the chapter is just a bit of a cool-down and a set up for Midoriya, Kirishima, Uraraka and Tsuyu to show up at the huge assembly... and it's not just Nighteye, Fat Gum and Ryukyuu (and the Big Three), but we actually have other heroes in Nighteye's alliance including Grand Tourino and a very sleep-deprived Aizawa. Nighteye gives a speech about how they're going to take down the Cleansers... and it's not just going to be a small alliance like we previously thought it would be, but a far, far bigger undertaking. Very curious to see where this'll go.
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