Saturday 7 July 2018

One Piece 910 Review: Carps and Bear Samurais

One Piece, Chapter 910: Onwards to Wano-kuni

This time around, it's Luffy and company that enters Wano! 910 is a slow-paced chapter, but it does have a lot of the "what a weird world" exploration moments in One Piece that I genuinely enjoy. I mean, that does make reviewing this chapter hard unless I'm going to really talk into detail about the specifics of the weather wall around Wano or the giant carps or the freshwater waterfall, and I'm not gonna -- if they become relevant somewhere down the line, cool. If not, they're still a neat little setup for the world-building. Almost reminds me of Skypiea, come to think of it, how the Thousand Sunny enters Wano. And, of course, Luffy almost immediately meets with a bear with a sword, because, hey, country of the samurai apparently means its wildlife has swords too. 

We also get a brief bit of fluff in the first part of the chapter about the Straw Hats on the Sunny reading all about the Reverie (which I really miss but since we're moving forward with Wano I'll try to keep complaints about not seeing the Reverie to a minimum), but it's just Chopper and Sanji fanboying over older characters, which is definitely charming. We also get a sly, cheeky note about how Nami was reading halfway through the Big Mom/Kaidou stuff but can't read the whole newspaper because Chopper cut it up.

Overall, it's a pretty slow chapter. I just genuinely can't think of much else to say. 

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