Young Justice: Invasion, Episode 20: Endgame

Oh, we also have a brief scene that will probably excite the shippers, with M'gann asking Conner about Wendy, and apparently Conner's actually playing wingman for Wendy and is helping her in her new relationship with Marvin. It's honestly a bit sudden and I'm not the happiest with how the Conner/M'gann/La'gaan love triangle was handled and how jumbled up it is at the end, but I do appreciate the episode for keeping the relationship at a "maybe" and not just revert it to a "first couple wins".
Meanwhile, as Black Beetle wants to wage war on Earth, the Team continues their streak from last episode, and the entire force of the Team is already attacking the Reach's mothership. The fight scenes themselves isn't actually that bad, and I do like the fast zipping through the monitor with some blink-and-you'll-miss-it scenes of the Team kicking ass. Black Beetle finally faces off against Aqualad, Blue Beetle and Green Beetle, and it's an appropriate trio to face off. Both Beetles have suffered under the Reach's manipulation and mind-control, and last episode established Aqualad and Black Beetle as having some bad blood between them.

And this is the biggest cocktease of it all, because out of the forty heroes, the resulting montage maybe shows off like three or four pairs. We basically get Aqualad and Lagoon Boy making up, the latter re-acknowledging the former as a hero after the whole double agent business; Artemis and Kid Flash having a romantic Big Damn Kiss in Paris; and Static and Black Lightning fighting together and Static basically gets a mentor and decides to join organized superheroing.

Overall, though, I can't fault a great season for a lackluster ending, and Wally's death aside, Invasion has been a pretty strong ride all the way through. It's been a wild ride rewatching this, and it's going to be likewise a wild ride next year when Young Justice: Outsiders finally hits the air.
Roll Call:
- Heroes: Batman, Wonder Woman, Superman, Hawkwoman, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Martian Manhunter, Icon, Hawkman, Miss Martian, Superboy, Adam Strange, Blue Beetle, Aqualad, Green Beetle, Captain Atom, The Atom, Nightwing, Dr. Fate, Green Arrow, Black Canary, Beast Boy, Wolf, Sphere, Batgirl, Robin, Wonder Girl, Aquaman, Tempest, Lagoon Boy, Flash (Jay Garrick), Flash, Impulse/Kid Flash II, Kid Flash I, Artemis/Tigress, Red Arrow, Arsenal, Longshadow, Samurai, El Dorado, Static, Black Lightning, Plastic Man, Red Tornado, Captain Marvel, Dr. Fate, Zatanna, Blue Devil, Rocket, Bumblebee, Guardian, Snapper Carr, Green Lantern (Hal Jordan), Green Lantern (Guy Gardner)
- Villains: The Scientist, Black Beetle, Lex Luthor, Vandal Savage, Mercy Graves, The Ambassador, Glorious Godfrey, Desaad, Darkseid. Other members of the Light appear in photographs.
- Others: The Tribune, Galet Dasim, Tseng Dangun, Rudy & Mary West, Catherine Grant
DC Easter Eggs Corner:
- Darkseid makes his first real appearance in the show. As any self-respecting DC fan knows, Darkseid is one of the biggest villains in the DC universe, being a member of the race of New Gods, and ruler of the hell-planet Apokolips, and treated as one of the mightiest enemies of Superman and the DC universe in general. The New Gods were introduced in a single episode of Young Justice's first season, and Darksseid's minion Desaad makes a non-speaking cameo.
- G. Gordon Godfrey's true identity is revealed, sort of, as a member of Darkseid's court -- Glorious Godfrey. Note how his eyes are glowing in Apokolips! Glorious Godfrey has a similar, if far less subtle, modus operandi in the comics, where he was a pundit that turned public opinion against superheroes before being exposed as Darkseid's agents.
- Luthor being hailed as the world's saviour and joking that he should run for president is a nod towards the long-running President Luthor storyline in the comics, where Luthor did become President of the United States.
- Nightwing leaving the Team after the death of a founding member and a close friend calls back how Nightwing disbanded the Teen Titans after the death of Donna Troy in the comics.
- Robin and Wonder Girl are a couple. I think they dated on-and-off for a while after Wonder Girl's original love interest, Superboy, died? I'm not 100% sure about this.
- As mentioned before, Impulse did take over from Wally as the second Kid Flash, although the comics takeover didn't quite feature a death. In the comics as well, it was actually Barry Allen that disintegrated into the Speed Force while running quickly to save the world as the biggest-name death during the Crisis on Infinite Earths saga.
- I'm not 100% sure what Black Beetle's non-Scarab-ified race is supposed to be, although green skin leads me to lean towards Coluan, Brainiac's race. I don't think it's ever confirmed either way by the showrunners.
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