Avengers, Earth's Mightiest Heroes, Season 2, Episode 25: Live Kree or Die

The rest of the episode is... it's okay. After the Falchion gets blown up, the Avengers are split up, with one team fighting Kree soldiers and another team fighting random alien beasts. Oh, and Black Panther is alive after a huge, huge ass-pull that honestly don't even really make sense and is treated with such fanfare that it really causes the episode to halt. Again, kind of ruins the whole point of the dragged-out sadistic choice in the previous episode.
Still, we do get a lot of fun, badass scenes, and when Thor truly gets angry and starts warping the weather of the Kree homeworld, it truly is a sight to behold. Also equally badass are the Avengers finally cutting loose in that courtyard. Ultimately it's an episode-long series of action scenes with a couple of Mar-Vell trying to convince the Supreme Intelligence to not kill humanity. There was an unintentionally hilarious moment when Mar-Vell accidentally convinces the Supreme Intelligence that humanity is special -- and that is why they must be destroyed.
It's a fun little final run, and wraps up the Kree conflict perhaps a bit too neatly. Maybe we could've worked it out a lot better if Mar-Vell had been allowed to confront, oh, I dunno, Ronan or one of his other superior officers? Or if Ms. Marvel's own Kree-born powers are tied into it somehow? I feel that this episode ends up feeling a lot less epic in emotional scale and plot twists as it could've been, but definitely a serviceable end to the Kree conflict.
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