Titans, Season 1, Episode 5: Together

A surprisingly more... light episode! That's not a bad thing, though, considering how intensely dense the previous couple of episodes of Titans has been. I am kind of curious if the pacing for these earlier episodes wouldn't have worked better if some of the Nuclear Family or Starfire investigation stuff had been transposed into this episode instead of making the third episode so cluttered.
And this episode feels very light. Sure, we deal with recurring antagonists, the Nuclear Family, with finality, but the bulk of the episode is just basically an extended "buddy-buddy" montage. And it's one that the show definitely needs. After spending most of the previous couple of episodes being on the run, with the only real thing connecting them together is the Titans' individual friendships with Rachel, it's definitely important to slow down and let these four characters get to know each other. The montage and the constant affirmations that Beast Boy still needs to shed his clothes any time he transforms into that tiger is fun, which goes straight into black comedy as we basically learn to not prod the demon-possessed girl. Yeah, the episode is slow thanks to these "main characters learn to bond as a team" episodes being sort of a mandatory evil, but it's definitely well-done for what it's worth.
Dick gets kind of the focus of the episode, sort of, as Starfire eggs him on to 'open up', but it's not a particularly well-developed theme. They also have sex, and... yeah, it definitely feels utterly sudden. I do like that Anna Diop is finally allowed to act in something beyond 'confused angry amnesiac', which is definitely not entertaining to watch. This is the first time in the entire season where Starfire feels more like Starfire, albeit a more mature, less naive version of her.
After the audience gets to see Dr. Adamson making a new "Dad" out of some random bloke, as well as a disgustingly nausea-inducing bit where Adamson whisks a chicken fetus (what was that about?) the newly-rebuilt Nuclear Family goes off and attacks the Titans at the motel. And, of course, we get a pretty damn awesome fight scene as Robin finally enters the scene and shows what he can do. One of the main themes in most Teen Titans adaptations is that Robin/Nightwing, despite being a non-superpowered superhero, unequivocably leads this group of superheroes. And while this episode does jump through some hoops to show how Starfire can't use her powers at night and that both Raven and Beast Boy's powers are not really under full control, it's far more believable than some of the obvious creator's pet moments the various Robins have had in the comics.
Besides, it's just badass, you know? Say what you want about the tone and direction of Titans, but they do pretty neat-looking action scenes.

The episode ends with a different Robin showing up and being awesome, rescuing Dick (and Adamson?), and this dude announces himself as the New Robin. Which means we're going back to another guest-star-heavy episode next week! Ultimately, not the best episode out there, but a much-needed breathing space to allow the characters and cast to organically grow.
DC Easter Eggs Corner:
- In the comics, the second Robin, Jason Todd, did actually debut into super-heroing at around the same time that Dick Grayson was leading the Teen Titans as Robin.
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