JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Episodes 4-5: The Nijimura Brothers, Pt. 2-3

We're quickly introduced to the character quirks of Nijimura Keicho, the elder brother, whose little character quirk is that he's super methodical. In JJBA's unique way of explaining, he is "a man who will always listen to the first disc before the second disc", and he is very, very insistent about that.
And as Keicho unleashes his Stand from the darkness, Okuyasu charges in, intent on fixing his mistakes... and gets riddled with small holes all over his face. Keicho scoffs at his utterly incompetent brother dragging him down, and continues to fire with his unseen Stand and creating more tiny holes all over the place, not caring if his little brother gets caught in the crossfire.

And then Okuyasu returns the favour by choke-holding Josuke as he enters the Nijimura house, but that's just to use The Hand to drag Koichi's body (man, poor Koichi's just so broken in these scenes) towards Josuke so he doesn't have to walk into the trap. However, poor, confused Okuyasu then just decides to be neutral after that one favour, not betraying his brother any further.

They just chase down Josuke and Koichi around the house, and it actually took Josuke (and your average viewer) some time to realize that, hey, Koichi can actually see the little toy soldiers and have been reacting to them, and both Josuke and Keicho notes that, huh, Koichi has become a Stand-user. The thing is, Koichi can't really make his Stand properly come out and throwing around terms just makes the poor kid really confused.

Episode 4 ends with Koichi out of the fight, and then Josuke sitting calmly in the ground as Bad Company unleashes all its armaments onto Josuke. Meanwhile, Josuke uses Crazy Diamond to repair the missiles fired onto him (and he purposedly took) and have them fly towards Keicho's face and take him out.
Bad Company is kinda unique, but the way Keicho's taken out is sorta just quick, huh? The fifth episode doesn't really have much in lieu of a fight scene, with the actual Nijimura Brothers fight being done in the fourth episode, but there is a fair bit of story being told in this part.

Apparently Nijimura's father is an abusive little scumbag that beats up his children, and apparently he is also one of the many people with "Stand Potential" that joined Dio during the events of Stardust Crusaders, and was rewarded with a lot of money during that part. Not surprising considering Dio's huge mound of treasure. Apparently Nijimura's father never really got out of Japan, so, um... just what did he do? Apparently Dio implanted a flesh bud in his head, and upon Dio's death in Egypt at the end of Crusaders, the flesh bud goes crazy, and makes Nijimura's father to become mutated into this sorry state that can't die.

Whatever the case, though, somehow, despite all the Speedwagon Agents in Egypt and Keicho being a kid, Keicho manages to get the Bow and Arrow after Enya's death. Which is, I think, one of the weirder, bigger plot holes in this backstory. Presumably Keicho only got the Stand after obtaining the bow, so how did he get that? The dude's just a kid back there!
Whatever the case, though, we get distracted from Keicho's story's plot holes when Keicho starts just kicking his father's face into a pulp, noting just how worthless this barely-sentient creature is, and how he's obsessed with a box in the attic. Josuke realizes what Nijimura's dad is trying to do, though, and uses Crazy Diamond to restore the scraps of paper there, returning it into a photo of the Nijimura brothers as children -- the way that Nijimura's dad's broken brain remembers.

Still, Josuke and Koichi seem to have a new ally in Okuyasu, who notes with melancholy that his brother was twisted enough by his goals and methods that he's going to end up with an ugly fate whatever the case, but Okuyasu also notes that Keichi's last act is an attempt to save him. Not a bad end for at least one of the Nijimura brothers, and one thing that makes Diamond is Unbreakable so much well-written than Stardust Crusaders is comparing how Koichi and Okuyasu "joins the party" compared to how Kakyoin and Polnareff did, where they are just villains-of-the-week that end up being freed of mind control. Okuyasu's the same, but his actual character development and grudging respect for Josuke is definitely shown very well in these two episodes.
The episode also ends in a cliffhanger with Katagiri (a.k.a. Red Hot Chili Pepper guy) calling Jotaro and telling him and his allies to just leave him alone (and he won't bother them), but with the Bow in Katagiri's hands, it's clear that that's not going to happen. Overall, though, the story's definitely got a great focus on the Nijimura brothers, and I'm definitely a big fan of this little mini-arc.
The JoJo Playlist:
- Nijimura Keicho's stand, Bad Company, is named after the English hard rock supergroup of the same name, and one of the classics of 70's-80's era rock. Among their more prominent songs are Bad Company, Can't Get Enough, and, of course, Feel Like Makin' Love.
- Most Part 4 Stands ended up being changed in English localizations, with Bad Company being changed to "Worse Company"... which is hilariously dumb, because they leave the actual English letters of BADCOMPANY on Keicho's neck collar untouched.
- REDDO HOTTO CHIRRI PEPPAHH, or, well, Red Hot Chili Pepper is named after the American rock band of the same name, with some of their more notable songs including Otherside, Californication and Dani California
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