Saturday 11 July 2015

One Piece 793 Review: Akainu VS Fujitora! Team Kidd VS Shanks! Kaido! Aokiji-Blackbeard Alliance(?)!

One Piece, Chapter 793: The Tiger and the Dog

This chapter picks up right where we left off last time, and it injects a healthy dose of Holy Shit into the series, which is extremely welcome since One Piece has been kind of... m'eh near the end of the Doflamingo arc.

We start off with Fujitora telling Riku that he had gambled that the pirates will take care of Doflamingo themselves, which was why he did jack shit against either side after the whole soul-searching bit. "With what face could a man of the very system that allowed (Doflamingo) to run amok attempt to point a finger at him and speak about justice?" Fujitora, you're one cool cookie. We get a bit of Kyros dismissing the Tontatta and Riku telling his people to shelter the pirates in the castle. 

And then we finally get to the good parts as we get to Mariejois, the Holy Land. Akainu is talking to the Gorosei! I have been eagerly anticipating when we see Akainu again after the timeskip, ad I honestly forgot all about the Gorosei. And they're arguing -- the news about Doflamingo's fall haven't reached them yet. Akainu is absolutely pissed the fuck off about the false information regarding Doflamingo's abdication from the throne and from the Shichibukai, talking about how for someone of the likes of Doflamingo the marines lost face and caused chaos in the world. 

The Gorosei people are just pulling your general 'apathic scheming rulers' card and just talking about how Akainu is being insolent, how the worth of the marines' face is less than zero, and how the marines are just the outward face of the World Government. Apparently the whole matter was entrusted to the Cipher Pol... finally, someone remembers CP0 is around! Akainu basically tells them that they got fucked over by the 'Puppets of the Tenryubito' and they're just pretending that it was all part of the plan.

So I guess the Gorosei are less in rank compared to the Tenryubito? I dunno, things aren't exactly that clear.

One of the Gorosei who has a Whitebeard-esque beard demands Akainu to explain about Aokiji's behaviours, especially since an enormous power like Aokiji has... apparently... joined forces with Blackbeard of all people. What in the actual fuck? Is this a bad translation? Is the line supposed to read something like 'Aokiji is a power comparable to Blackbeard' or 'you let Aokiji loose like you did Blackbeard' or something? But the couple of translations I can find on the internet are variations of Aokiji joining forces with Blackbeard because what the fuck? He did say something about having a connection to the underworld back when we last saw him in Punk Hazard, but still, holy shit.

EDIT: As a friend of mine informed me after I wrote this review, apparently Aokiji joining up with Blackbeard has been mentioned in passing by Burgess all the way back in chapter 720. Well, shit, okay then.

And then someone tells them about the whole 'Doflamingo has been defeated thing', and as the Gorosei and Akainu basically react like we did to the Aokiji-Blackbeard alliance (i.e. "holy shit") we get a montage of all the people in the world reacting, how some wars are ended because weapons and SMILE are unable to be delivered. 

We then get a montage of all the more important characters. First, a big marine ship with someone that's either Sengoku or Garp talking with Tsuru and... honestly just doesn't seem too bothered. Bonney is walking around, reading a newspaper while stealing a pizza and in her little-girl form, noting about how Luffy and Law has balls. Maybe Bonney can join up with Luffy's ever-growing army-alliance thing? That would be interesting. I like Bonney. She's got all sorts of mystery around her regarding just why Akainu wanted to capture her so much back before the timeskip.

Urouge is on some random sky island resting from a wounds, and someone else apparently arrived. Capone is on his own ship, noting about how Luffy and Law are doing well... and they're apparently gunning for Caesar Clown! Who, last we saw a full year ago, is being chased down by fucking Big Mom. We need follow-up on that god damn it... maybe Capone can help out Team Sanji to escape Big Mom? Dunno if they stand much of a chance either way, though.

Kidd, Apoo and Hawkins are just eating together talking about how Luffy and Law must be targetting Kaido in the end, and note that they are targetting a different Yonko... Shanks. I don't know how this will go. Will Shanks just take down this alliance without breaking a sweat because he is Shanks? Or will the three of them take down Shanks and be a more personal villain for Luffy? Kidd certainly has been built up to be quite a villain of sorts since his first appearance...

Also Killer is eating noodles through the holes in his mask which is hilarious.

We then cut to X-Drake, who noted that Doflamingo killed his father a long time ago -- so yeah, that kid in the flashback is indeed Drake, and he wasn't a member of the crew -- he was the son of the captain. And apparently Drake has joined up with Kaido! It was implied when he showed up to save Scotch from Caribou in one of the cover stories, but we have direct confirmation that Drake has indeed joined up with Kaido... who finally makes his first silhouetted appearance and he's this weird giant mountain with two slug horns or some shit. 

Dunno what I expected, but it certainly isn't that.

And finally, as if everything else wasn't enough, we get the titular confrontation between Akainu and Fujitora. Akainu's pissed that Fujitora didn't report to HQ first, while Fujitora just flat-out states that he didn't want HQ to create a cover story that'll stop the truth from spreading out. We get a short flashback of Smoker telling Fujitora about how the World Government covered up the whole Alabasta incident with Crocodile -- good that the similarities between the two arcs are noted -- and we get a short present-day moment with Smoker, Tashigi and the Punk Hazard kids going to Vegapunk's lab.

Back to the Akainu-Fujitora conversation, Akainu is still freaking pissed off that they could've covered it up without losing the face of the Marines, while Fujitora tells him to fuck off for considering lying and how the World Government is the ones who fucked up by creating the Shichibukai in the first place. Akainu is all like "your actions have fucked up the Marines' credibility" while Fujitora is all like "if the Marines' credibility is broken as easily as admitting a single mistake, then it never was credible in the first place".

Akainu tells Fujitora that until he brings the heads of Luffy and Law, the doors of every Marine door in the world will be closed to him... and Fujitora cryptically says that "that's the way I want it". Which means... what? Is he defecting from the Marines? Does he want an excuse to butt heads with Akainu? I would totally like to see that.

Looking forward to the next chapter, definitely. 

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