Sunday 20 September 2015

Fairy Tail 453 Review: More of This Crap

Fairy Tail, Chapter 453: A Parent's Duty

Some manga excel at hyping up upcoming battles -- Toriko really comes to mind for this -- and most mangas make good transition from buildup to the actual conflict. Not Fairy Tail... at least not this time. It would've segued in really well if we cut from last chapter's roll call straight to the cliffhanger at the end of this chapter. Hell, if you even need all the bullshit talky-talky scenes they could've been squeezed in last chapter too to replace the absolutely generic "Natsu inspires people around him" which felt forced.

How good would it be for Makarov to do his little speech and listing down the Spriggan Twelve, only for one of them to charge into Magnolia at the end? After all, it's not like the Acnologia cliffhanger did jack shit for this chapter.

We don't really get much this chapter. We've got a long, long Natsu-Happy-Lucy scene that adds nothing much. We've got Erza and Wendy in a hot spring because fanservice, and the single relevant line that Crime Sorcierie will help out (since this is Fairy Tail, Charle's completley understandable dislike of the actually formerly-villainous team is brushed off as her being a stick in the mud). We get some shippy scene for Gray and Juvia. Makarov does a repeat of his 'I am a parent to my children' speech. Magnolia is evacuated. Ajeel comes in with an army of flying ships.

Who will presumably get one-shotted by Laxus next chapter. No tension at all, since we know that Ajeel was nearly killed by Laxus that one point. 

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