Tuesday 8 September 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 139 Review: Ban's Backstory!

The Seven Deadly Sins, Chapter 139: Tell Me About Your Past

Not a particularly eventful chapter, though like the Tokyo Ghoul one it's no less important. We get a quick flashback to the end of the King-Ban-Golem fight from before we got distracted by more Ten Commandments stuff, and, well, nothing particularly interesting happens. Ban's immortality revives the Fairy Tree, his blood revives King, the fairies accept King as their king, Ban threatens to kill the fairy bitch if she tries to harm Elaine, and then sets off with Jericho. Pretty much what we assumed happened, and told as fast as possible. Honestly it would've worked better if we just eschewed the whole 'Ban pierced by roots' cliffhanger and just had this, because that bit was pointless and one can't help but wonder if there was some plot point that was nixed because the whole Meliodas-getting-power and Galan and Diane's flashback and all that jazz took up way too much time.

We get a bit of Jericho and Ban in the city and Jericho gets super excited and flustered about sleeping in one bed with Ban... except, of course, Ban sleeps on the floor. It's of course a shit-ass thief city where women are ogled and there are thieves everywhere, and Ban apparently lived there as a kid.

Some random dude gets beaten up by some random thugs, but one of the thugs let slip that this hooded dude is the one who revived a dead person, so naturally Ban beat all of them up no problem. Ban brings the hooded dude into the inn (and nicely done, the art does show the hooded dude's arm with speed lines) before throwing him onto the wall, revealing that the hooded dude stole Jericho's wallet while pretending to be unconscious.

The hooded dude reveals himself to be a Were-Fox, a beast man. Not a Werewolf, a Were-Fox. Okay then. The Were-Fox admits defeat in thieving skills to Ban, but denies reviving someone from the dead, telling Ban that humans are quick to blame gods, demons and monsters for everything they don't understand. But the Were-Fox collapse form exhaustion, and begins talking about how he can't run away from death, and rants about how the Were-Foxes are intelligent among the beast men, but physically weak and basically forced into a life of constant thievery by the humans.

Ban then flashes back, remembering how he used to only live by stealing. And we see little Ban getting beat up just for trying to steal a potato, before being put into jail and befriending this mentor character (WHO WILL DIE I GUARANTEE) called Zhivago. So we're getting a Ban flashback, I guess? Not exactly the right time for another flashback because holy shit man what about the Ten Commandments and Dreyfus Fraudrin and Diane and everything else... but on the other hand Ban is my favourite character so I don't particularly mind this detour. It's a world-building chapter with the Were-Foxes and the thief town and Ban's backstory being explored, and we did get a couple of genuinely funny moments with Jericho, who's usually just... there, and it's overall a pretty solid chapter other than the weak recap pages.

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