Tuesday 15 September 2015

Toriko 338 Review: Midora's Fury & Joie's Origins

Toriko, Chapter 338: Joie vs. Midora

I'm sorry if I'm going to use 'Joie' and 'Joa' interchangeably through my Toriko reviews, I think. The official spelling is Joie, but the word is pronounced as Joa. So depending on how well I remember the official spelling in my head while doing these reviews, it's going to alternate.

But the first half of the chapter has Jiro, Setsuno and Chichi meet up with Acacia's gross tumour pimple Pacman monster frog thing. And for all of two panels it looks like Tumour-chan (that's what I'm calling it for lack of a better name) ate the top half of Jiro, but apparently he just bent down enough to have Tumour-chan simply just eat his shirt. Jiro naturally goes straight for knocking, but realizes that Tumour-chan isn't about to stop since it apparently has a resistance comparable to the rotation of a planet -- though that in particular isn't a problem to motherfucking "World Knocking" Jiro.

Tumour-chan transforms into some disgusting multi-tentacled-rooted thing because it sensed the danger in Jiro, while Jiro himself acknowledges Tumour-chan as a being comparable to the Eight Kings. Jiro bulks up like HOLY SHIT -- the resulting muscular form's fists are larger than Jiro's head. Jiro pulls off some nightmare faces -- Jiro's good at that -- before his super-gigantic muscle arm thins and turns black... Armament Haki? Reverse Gear Third? We're getting some One Piece shit!

Setsuno tells Jiro not to hit the world because apparently it'll break it, and Jiro does this attack called Big Bang. Well, I for one would believe it if Jiro has enough strength to break the world and considering just one of Acacia's pimples is that powerful...

But we cut away to Midora and Joie, and we get another of the '0.01 second was all it took' that Toriko has been so fond of ever since the Bambina fight, where apparently the moment that Midora froze in shock was enough for Joie to use as an opening and attack Midora straight in the chest. Well, Midora's getting worfed, we think?

And indeed Joie does make a badass boast about how human brains cannot comprehend the 0.01 second but appetite demons once preyed on this particular creature that only drops its guard for 0.01 second. She then proceeds to gloat about her face... before Joie realizes that Midora wasn't damaged... and then her Life balls shatter. Apparently Midora tok the moment to assess that Joie was full of openings and was able to launch multiple counter-attacks. Yeah, Midora is still a badass. Apparently the Life orbs contain food spirits that allow themselves to die in place of the owner, so there is that.

Joie/Frohze's appetite demon materializes, and it's clear in this chapter that Joie (the human 'face') and the Frohze's appetite demon are different entities because they argue with each other. Apparently the healing water is Acacia's hors d'oeuvre, Center but instead of bringing Frohze's soul back (she refused to be reincarnated) Acacia brought back the spirit of Joie to presumably hang out with Frohze's appetite demon.

So Joie is a food spirit wearing Frohze's body and holy shit this actually ties in really well with the whole food spirit and back channel things going on for the Bambina and Moon arcs. Frohze is even afraid of the thing (presumably appetite demon?) within Acacia. And Acacia's goal is basically to eat everything to reach some farthest land or whatever. Apparently gourmet energy was created during the Big Bang to eventually create Gourmet Cells, apparently having the genetic memories of foods from an immeasurably long time in the past -- in the world before the Big Bang, presumably. Frohze-Joie's appetite demon then materializes again and does a rant about eating before mocking Frohze... something that Joie-the-spirit realizes is folly.

And Midora has this awesome expression that reflects tranquil fury.

Joie tries to sweet-talk Midora to joining them over their shared goal of eating, but Midora is all awesome and claims that 'you people have long stepped on the tiger's tail' before glowing all wild. Everyone from Alfaro to Teppei to the NEO people are all shocked as Midora glows. Joie tries to hide with her Tokage beast (remember it?) and the final page shows that Midora just activated Meteor Spice within the NEO base. Welp I guess everyone's dead. Midora just killed everyone.

But nah, this is awesome. Great revelations about Joie. Midora is awesome. Midora is fucking awesome. What more can I say?

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