Thursday 24 September 2015

One Piece 801 Review: Bounties, Throne Wars and motherfucking ROB LUCCI

One Piece, Chapter 801: Opening Declaration

Well this chapter... it doesn't have anything particularly huge, but it's got a shit-ton of bombshells dropped upon us. So let's just go about it scene by scene, yeah?

The first scene shows us CP-0, which has been something that I've been bitching about all throughout Dressrosa -- why did you introduce CP-0 and then have them do absolutely jack shit? We've got a bit of a recap that the Revolutionary Army raided the weapons from the underground port... and we see that CP-0 is actually made up of... Spandam, Rob Lucci and motherfucking Hattori. And Lucci outranks Spandam now, and he was the one behind the cool mask from before. So, yeah, way to make Lucci relevant again! Lucci has always been one of my favourite villains just for sheer cool factor and to see him actually be involved into the story once more is absolutely fantastic.

We get a couple of pages showing the Dressrosa people and the Tontatta tribe living together in harmony blah-di-blah no one cares.

We cut away to the Marines, where Sengoku and Fujitora are eating noodles. Fujitora refuses to return to base because he doesn't have Law and Luffy arrested yet, and is still too proud to beg Akainu for forgiveness. 

But the interesting scene is Tsuru talking to the captive Doflamingo (who's regained his glasses again) and Doflamingo talks about what a fool Fujitora is for not working together with him and take the Straw Hats out. And even captive Doflamingo is still doing his mojo, talking to unsettle people. Tsuru just goes "fuck off, you sore loser" but Doflamingo is just laughing and notes by cutting off the 'hands that fed', the balance of the seas has been completely upset. We then get a little rundown of all the big players in awesomely-inked art -- the Four Emperors (is that supposed to be Big Mom above Blackbeard?), the Shichibukai, the Worst Generation, the Navy or the Revolutionary Army. And Doflamingo just talks about how the family of D will screw things up and who will betray whom and just claims that Mariejois will fall and the nobles will be dragged off their thrones. And Doflamingo talks about how everyone will fight over the throne that Gold Roger left vacant... well, Doffy, that was an awesome speech. Thank you for hyping things up. Also, I do believe you've been watching too much Game of Thrones.

We get a silhouette of the third admiral, Mr. Green Bull, in that panel with the Marines, which is nice. And who the hell was that dude in the Revolutionary Army panel? There was Ivankov, Dragon and Sabo, but who the hell was that? Ah, all the foreshadowings... and is the seventh Shichibukai in there somewhere?

Doflamingo notes how he's being taken to Impel Down and how he wants the newspapers delivered to him so he can be entertained by the chaos going on...

And apparently the four Marine warships can destroy a country, observed by some dude working for a 'Captain Jack'. Who's convinced to attack. Uh... who is that? Jack's got giant tusks on the ship, so maybe he's allied with Kaido, and he seems to have an iron-esque chin. Is he someone we know? Morgan? Who's this fellow? Do we know any Captain Jacks? Jack Sparrow, is that you?

EDIT: Apparently a "Jack" was mentioned waaaaaaaaaay back in chapter 692 after Punk Hazard as one of the underworld people being informed of Caesar Clown's capture. Huh. The hell's this guy going to do against Fujitora, Tsuru and Sengoku? Huh. Either this dude is a really big player (the mysterious seventh Shichibukai? Kaidou's right-hand-man?) or he's going to get his ship sunk way down to the depths of the sea.

Meanwhile, the Team Luffy have assembled on the Barto Club's ship, the "Going Luffy-senpai" which is basically the Going Merry but with Luffy as the figurehead because what else is appropriate. Bartolomeo and Gambia (the only other dude of Barto's crew that is named) is just fangasming over the fact that they have Luffy's Vivre Card, and apparently the rest of the crew are as large fanboys as Bartolomeo and it's just hilarious to have them all gawking over the Straw Hats. Apparently the seven generals or whatever have split up since last chapter, though they all have Luffy's Vivre Card. Bellamy also takes one, though he makes it clear that he won't be Luffy's underling.

Batolomeo then shows the Straw Hats their new bounties, and while he threw away Law's, he has put the Straw Hats' bounties on a gigantic majestic shrine in their ship, alongside their autographs. Here's the breakdown relative to their bounties right after the timeskip:
  • Luffy: 400 million to 500 million
  • Zoro: 120 million to 320 million
  • Usopp: 30 million to 200 million
  • Robin: 80 million to 130 million
  • Franky: 44 million to 94 million
  • Nami: 16 million to 66 million (we're not quite sure if Team Sanji went up because of something they did, or simply by association with the Straw Hats)
  • Brook: 33 million to 83 million
  • Sanji: 77 million to 177 million
  • Chopper: 50 to 100 (poor Chopper)
  • Law: 440 million to 500 million
Usopp's in particular has skyrocketed because of all the God Usopp insanity, and some of their poster images have changed. Sanji now finally has his real face, Brook has his Soul King poster and Usopp has his 'god' half-dead face. And Bartolomeo also notes that everyone involved in the Dresrossa incident also had their bounties raised. And one mysterious thing is that Sanji's poster lists that he is wanted "ONLY ALIVE" instead of the normal dead or alive, so it appears that Sanji's been in some shit himself... and I'm absolutely curious what's going on with him. We haven't seen Sanji in like a year dammit. There has always been a theory that Sanji is really a World Noble prince because of all the 'prince' titles he's been giving himself that people have taken as foreshadowing, especially the fact that Sanji's face has always been out of the spotlight (he wasn't made into the Worst Generation when Zoro had, his face was always missing, etc), so now that he is in the spotlight, well... I dunno. We'll see.

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