Tuesday 20 September 2016

Nanatsu no Taizai 192 Review: Dreyfus vs Hendricksen

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 192: The Sword and Soul to Save Someone's Friends

I really wished there was a bit more of a buildup of the conflict between Hendricksen and the possessed Dreyfus, really. After Hendricksen going good and the revelation of the possession thing, he really hasn't been anything more than a side character with barely any more screentime than someone like Threader. And while Fraudrin shows up a lot he doesn't do much beyond going mwa-ha-ha I'm evil and shit. The fact that Dreyfus's son Griamor has been pushed into the background so much that he barely matters kind of is a contributing factor to the lack of buildup.

And, y'know, after Merlin's insane display of power it's a bit irritating that Merlin's apparently just... distracted with making experiments, because all she needs to do is just to cast a single spell and Fraudrin'd probably be exorcised immediately. 

There's a bit of a cool fight sequence between Dreyfraudrin and Hendricksen, though, with Hendricksen trying to make use of Zaratros's Purge magic that fails spectacularly. Zaratras himself shows up halfway through to launch lightning magic and whatnot, leading to a bit of an unexpected reunion between the three greatest holy knights of Britannia, but after exchanging blows a bit the chapter ends with Zaratros ready to unleash something.

It's an okay chapter, I guess? It's not a chapter that's terribly exciting, but it's got a cool fight scenes and some cool lines in-between them. 

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