Wednesday 14 September 2016

One Piece 839 Review: Niji is a Dick

One Piece, Chapter 839: I Shall Never Forget the Debt I Owed You

Man, the chapter's just twenty pages of making sure we hate Niji's guts. Also Yonji and Judge, but we already know one's a douchebag and the other is a blackmailing piece of shitty excuse of a father. Reiju's like this affably-friendly sister that's as bad as the others, never stooping to the jackassery of the brothers but laughing with them all the same. But we know scant little about Ichiji and Niji, until now.

So basically Niji pisses Sanji in every single god damned way you can think of. Insulting food, throwing food, insulting a lady, throwing a food at a lady's face, threatening to murder Zeff, beating her to a freaking pulp off-screen and leaving her bloody form for Sanji to find... yeah. It's just one big huge dickery after dickery, and it's not a big 'oh my god, what an awful megalomaniacal tyrant' like Doflamingo. It's a different, more bratty, more despicable piece of shit dickery that Niji is doing. It's more personal. And, wow, the chapter certainly does make it effective to hate the fucker.

Also there's some cloning tank thing going on in the basement of Germa 66? I'm not sure if we've seen the dude whose face the comic focuses to -- he's quite generic looking -- but I wouldn't be surprised if the quadruplets are actually clones of Judge instead of his biological children. I dunno. Judge feels like the elitist shitty king who would do that sort of thing, and we don't have a mother to speak of either...

Anyway, Niji's a shit. I hope his face gets beaten to a pulp. That poor girl!


  1. I wonder if Vegapunk has something to do with Germa. They have way too much technology.

    1. Well, the ever-mysterious Vegapunk is apparently behind everything remotely sci-fi in One Piece, so either he or someone related to him is likely to be behind this.
