Friday 9 September 2016

Toriko 386 Review: Creepy Tusk Mouth

Toriko, Chapter 386: Acacia the Most Fiendish Enemy

Acacia knocks Joie and have a bit of a pre-fight banter with Toriko, Midora and Starjun. These three seem to be the final foes of the manga, so, um, Zebra, Sunny and Coco? Yeah. You guys got taken out off-screen. So much for being the main supporting characters... of all the people subjected to being taken out offscreen by the breakneck 'get the manga to space before the end of the year' or whatever the directive for Toriko was, those three got hit with it the worst.

Acacia eats a bunch of initial attacks, and there's your usual Toriko-style "Character A anticipates character B's attack, to which character B has actually done a different type of skill to counter the counter..." between Acacia and the hungry trio, which is cool. Midora is just abusing Minority World to make everything Acacia does get dulled or missed, Toriko is just launching Infinite Nail Punches, Midora uses Hungry World that Acacia just walks through while his body gets torn apart, Acacia launches a bunch of Gomu-Gomu-no-Gatling style things that Midora tries to block with Minority World, only for the same blasts to ricochet back to Midora because Acacia was aiming to miss in the first place...

There's a bit with giant hands that honestly just looked a bit weird, how does being super-strong have any correlation with geomancy? But Midora gets pinned down under a giant hand, Toriko uses a super-gigantic jet fork that slices off a piece of the Earth -- between the likes of Don Slime, Heracles and Bambina doing their shit a while back, man, how is the planet not already destroyed years ago? -- then Acacia beats Toriko to a pulp, Toriko says some romantic things about Komatsu, Acacia transforms his mouth into this horrifying spiky maw...

And eats Starjun, who jumps in the way. Yeaaah. Well, leaving his body from the diaphragm up so next chapter we'll have a farewell between the two. Considering Starjun's grand contribution to the fight is dodging a blow and shooting an ineffective fireball, though, honestly he wasn't doing much good compared to the OP-ness of Toriko, Midora and Acacia. 

Oh well. It's still lacking that oomph, and the story is definitely being rushed forward -- Starjun is one of those characters that never got his personality developed beyond 'cool-looking villain and Toriko's rival' so I don't really have that much of an emotional attachment to the dude (especially since he felt more like a poor man's Midora even in a design and powers standpoint) so... yeah. I dunno. Definitely sucks to see him go, though. He was kinda cool.

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