Kamen Rider Kabuto [2006-2007]
"Cast off! Change: Beetle!"
When I got into Kamen Rider as a franchise, I learned a lot about the other previous 'legend Riders' from crossovers. And out of all of the fancy older Kamen Riders, the one that has the most style, that catches my attention the most, is this dude with a slick metallic stag beetle outfit, an almost robotic look, constantly switching forms as he uses "Cast Off" to shed his metal armour pieces to access a sleeker form, and then "Clock Up" to move super-duper fast. Multiple crossover movies would basically have Kabuto team up with his fellow super-fast rider, Faiz, basically having him move in bullet time while the whole world slows around them, fighting against monsters that also move too fast for the eye to see.
And from style alone, Kabuto is perhaps one of my favourite-looking riders. No offense to any other Riders out there, Kabuto is probably who I point to for the most "classic" looking Kamen Rider design. And that's without taking into account just how goddamn cool the whole Cast Off and Clock Up mechanic ended up being.
And being intrigued, as I was, I ended up looking at what's going on with Kabuto's story. It's... it's pretty interesting. A Men in Black style organization called ZECT, who utilizes multiple Kamen Riders to hunt down an alien race called the Worm, who has the ability to perfectly mimic human beings even down to their memories? That honestly sounds like a pretty awesome sci-fi superhero stuff! Sure, it's kinda basic, but after going through some of the... weirder series, I was definitely interested to give Kabuto a try. Everyone I have met had something good to say about Kabuto as a series. I think it's one of the series people like to throw around as a great jumping-on spot to the franchise, and is credited as one of the larger causes of influx of non-Japanese fans into the franchise.
And... and honestly? I respectfully disagree, because I do have a couple of bones to pick with Kabuto. I still like the series enough to watch it to its end in a relatively timely manner, and I very much enjoy the style, but the more I delved into Kabuto as a series, the more I genuinely feel that the reason why Kabuto has so many defenders among the English speaking fandom is that it's one of the first Rider series to get a timely English-subbed release that didn't stop halfway through, making it many people's first complete series. And it's understandable -- it's got enough cool things going on, and it's definitely a relatively solid series (ending notwithstanding), but I definitely think it's far from being one of the best.
Overall, Mostly Spoiler-Free Series Review:
Now, to be fair... Kabuto isn't a terrible series. I've seen other shows that fare a lot worse than Kabuto. But while it certainly has some of the cleanest looking suits both on the Rider and monster side, and certainly has competent actors... the actual 49-episode show is a genuine drag to go through, and a good chunk of it is thanks to how you view Souji Tendou, the protagonist -- the self-styled "man who walks the path of heaven, ruling everything", a gigantic egomaniac who really treads the fine line where his ego is irritating or vaguely funny. And for a good chunk of the series, Tendou's ego falls into the irritating part. The show's also hurt pretty badly by poor pacing, with B-plots being stretched way longer than it should, as well as some bizarre disconnect in the tone the show's trying to show. We could have an episode where we get super-serious revelations about the tragic nature of Sasword, and then cut back to some bizarre deadpan humour about Tendou engaging in a cooking contest with cursed knives and a bizarre Jiiya doppelganger living in the mountain. Unlike most Kamen Rider shows, a lot of the humour in Kabuto is always played straight and utterly deadpan, and that honestly tends to lead to a lot of the supposedly-comedic moments sort of falling flat on their faces.
Throw in the fact that a lot of the revelations aren't sufficiently built up to, and that a lot of the Natives/Worms storyline doesn't really have much of a payoff, and the second half of the series in particular already feels like a mess. And Kamen Rider shows aren't known for their tightly-knit storytelling, but a stronger and more likable cast of characters would've made ignoring some of the bizarre flaws or unexplained plot holes a lot more bearable. Like, what's up with all of the bizarre space/time nonsense? It's brought up in one arc to justify where Dark Kabuto goes to, or where the Hyper Zecter comes from, and then never really mentioned ever again. Where did the Hopper Zecters come from? For that matter, are the Zecters really sentient, and how do they choose the owners? And even then, a lot of the concepts they built up -- the mystery behind the creation of the Zecters, the Shibuya meteorite, the mysterious time-traveling Hyper Kabuto, the specifics of Tendou's backstory... a lot of them all lead to pretty damn underwhelming reveals.
The Worms themselves are honestly what I personally feel to be the biggest waste, because after the first handful of arcs showing just how emotionally horrifying it is to realize that someone who walks and talks like someone you love might be an alien invader ends up being basically reduced to a generic shock-value revelation, and eventually, everything from the true nature of ZECT, the Native tribe, and the three-way war end up being just so utterly underwhelming and under-explained. We don't really see the Worms as actual people, and even when some members of the cast are revealed to be Worms, the focus is less about how they have been fooling everyone, but how other characters should shut up and appreciate who they are... while still massacring other random Worms. It's a huge disconnect, especially compared to other sympathetic monsters in other Kamen Rider series like the Greeed, the Gamma or the Roidmude.
Plus, the plot revelations just sort of randomly stack up without much buildup or payoff starting around the 30's -- something that Kabuto's staunchest defenders would admit -- making the last 15 to 20 episodes feeling particularly bizarre as the show tries to juggle comedy and underwhelming revelations. And unlike some shows (like Decade or Hibiki), Kabuto doesn't even have the excuse of executive meddling to justify any of these. Even a lot of the actual deaths that happen in the final 2-3 episodes felt less like huge resolutions, and more the show remembering that these characters have backstories that needed to be resolved.
Which is a shame, because the initial opening episodes of Kabuto are pretty solid. We establish the two main characters -- Arata Kagami and Tendou Souji. Arata's a typical Kamen Rider protagonist. A go-getter and just a regular dude who wants to help people out -- kinda generic, perhaps, and a bit of a wimp, but finds himself basically denied the chance to even do his job of protecting people from the Worms when the Kabuto Zecter flies to Tendou instead. Tendou, meanwhile, is an arrogant ass... who has that massive, inflated ego for a reason -- he is just that good. He quite literally is perfect, able to basically beat up any Worm or Rider in his path, he can cook, he can paint, he can speak French... he quite literally is a perfect man and everyone around him other than Arata and Hiyori acknowledges just how awesome he is.
And the thing about making a character with a big ego? You can't make him too perfect without flaws, and expect him to be likable. As problematic as Decade was, that's what the writing team does right. Tsukasa is kind of a Mary Sue himself, having random skills and having a massive ego, but the show and Decade's supporting cast constantly berate and tell Tsukasa off when he's being a dick. Whenever anyone in Kabuto tries to tell Tendou off, they either eventually kowtow to Tendou because of reasons -- there are a lot of the early scenes where Hiyori basically ends up finding herself cooking for Tendou because he tells her to, or things of that sort. The universe quite literally revolves around Tendou because he's so beloved by the writers, and while it's somewhat amusing for like two or three episodes, by the time I was in episode ten and Tendou just keeps looking more and more perfect while still acting like a massive dickbag, I just find myself really disliking him. As the series goes on, Tendou tends to pull new power-ups out of thin air, with the Hyper Zecter and the other non-Gatack Zecters quite literally being drawn across space-time to give him a power-up because he's just that worthy, but Tendou himself goes through very, very minimal character development -- he basically ends up vaguely respecting Arata in the last five or six episodes. Emphasis on the 'minimal'.
There are admittedly some huge revelations that inform us of what his actual plan is, but when we do get those revelations, Tendou's attitude in the earlier episodes berating everyone else for being naive for protecting some Worms and being sentimental ends up painting Tendou as a massive, massive hypocrite (Tendou's reason to wipe out the worms is to allow his Worm-sister Hiyori, who is also amnesiac, to live peacefully). The problem is, both the writing and the scripting are so firmly in Tendou's side that it paints Arata's questioning of Tendou as Arata being the unreasonable one. The climax even has Tendou go around destroying seeming anti-Worm weaponry without bothering to tell anyone else that the anti-Worm weaponry actually is a generic doomsday device that turns humans into Worms, expecting everyone to let him do what's best for them, while at the same time not even trying to explain himself.
The difference between Tendou's writing with other "me-first" characters like, say, Batman, is that Batman-centric narratives will highlight that Batman's loner attitude, while pragmatic, is harmful. With Tendou? He quite literally is the best, and even the writing doesn't acknowledge any of his many flaws. I'm not sure -- maybe if the writing was a bit more hammy, maybe if Tendou's actor was allowed to be a bit more expressive, I wouldn't be so soured by Souji Tendou? We've had assholish protagonists like Takumi and Tsukasa, or egomaniacs like Sento and Sougo, that still end up feeling likable, because their flaws were written as flaws, thus making them relatable. The end result is a bizarre show where Tendou has the personality of an arrogant "the world revolves around me" rival-type character and Arata's the typical plucky protagonist, but they never go through any of the expected character development, and Tendou's specialness continues through the end.
And I guess we'll quickly go through the side-characters in quick succession before we jump to the spoiler section. Kabuto is a show rich in riders, with Gatack, TheBee (hee hee hee), Drake, Sasword, Punch Hopper and Kick Hopper all being pretty well-defined secondary characters, and that's without counting the non-transforming ones. But that's honestly not really enough to carry the series forwards. Gatack/Arata is perhaps the one we spend the most time with, but while he definitely is better written than Tendou and has a lot of neat character moments, the show wiffle-waffles on how they want Arata to be. Is he always second best to Tendou, or is he going to carve his own path? Arata's overall story is pretty neat, but it suffers from the fact that it's basically the same character arc with a lot of other characters in the franchise as a whole, and his naivety and emotional outbursts are repeated way too many times.
TheBee, despite having the best Rider name ever, never really has a proper, permanent user, jumping from minor character to minor character until eventually just phased out entirely -- it's basically a way to work Yaguruma and Kageyama into the show and make early ZECT feel more alive, before their eventual expulsion from ZECT and the two of them being the most hilarious parody characters in the show, the Hopper Bros. Which are admittedly kind of hilarious, with Kageyama and Yaguruma basically going around as this pair of emo punks talking about how they can "see hell" and acts all emo and shit, but they never really outgrow their ridiculous antics which they also play straight with deadpan humour (it works for the Hopper Bros, though), but the way it's concluded felt sudden and shoehorned.
The two other Riders that are kinda wild-cards are Kazama Daisuke (Kamen Rider Drake), who basically weaves in and out of the show for short three-episode arcs a couple of times, an aesthetic who has a relationship with an amnesiac little girl called Gon, and... and he's honestly just kinda there, y'know? An interesting recurring character, but not enough to be super memorable. Kamishiro Tsurugi (Kamen Rider Sasword) is the exact opposite. He shows up around halfway through the series, and is basically just in every episode proclaiming that he is "the man who stands at the top of [X]!", and Tsurugi is kind of a parody of Kabuto himself, basically claiming to stand at the top of cooking, or romance, or failing, or anything at all, while actually being the sheltered princely son of the Discabil family. While Sasword does have a tragic story involving his past, it's ultimately dragged on and on until you just really don't care anymore, while the actual character just cavorts around and acts like a complete buffoon, repeating the same old "sheltered rich boy has no idea how the real world works" plotline over and over again.
The non-rider characters don't fare much better. A lot of them are just there to add extra bodies to either ZECT or the civilian hangout of the show, the shop where Hiyori works in, but ultimately despite a bunch of the ZECT characters hanging on till the end, the only one that honestly really matters ends up being Hiyori, who turns out to be super-duper important to the plot despite her amnesia, and... and she ends up being spirited away for 20+ episodes, before returning back and basically being used as nothing much more than a plot device. The actual main villains of the show are pretty bland, with the Native Worm representatives being pretty obviously not on the good guys' side and not having a lot of personality, while Dark Kabuto, despite being a clone of Mr. Perfect Heaven's Path himself, ends up being so notably outclassed that I never actually bought him as a threat.
And... and ultimately, I ended Kabuto with a sense that the show could be so much more. It took me a long, long while to finally finish the series, with me going through Drive, OOO and Ryuki in-between the time that I started episode 1 of Kabuto and ended at episode 49, because it's honestly kind of hard to really sit through. I do admit that the Clock Up fights are really fun, but they eventually just kind of drop the super-speed stuff entirely when Kabuto gets his Hyper Mode. Which is a shame -- Kabuto genuinely looks visually great, and I will always enjoy any action scene featuring him, but as far as the actual series goes, I honestly do find it as perhaps one of the weaker entries among the Heisei Kamen Rider series. Power to you if you actually love Kabuto, but between the hard-to-like protagonist and the inconsistent tone and pacing, I really do feel like this one could've been a lot better.

Plus, the plot revelations just sort of randomly stack up without much buildup or payoff starting around the 30's -- something that Kabuto's staunchest defenders would admit -- making the last 15 to 20 episodes feeling particularly bizarre as the show tries to juggle comedy and underwhelming revelations. And unlike some shows (like Decade or Hibiki), Kabuto doesn't even have the excuse of executive meddling to justify any of these. Even a lot of the actual deaths that happen in the final 2-3 episodes felt less like huge resolutions, and more the show remembering that these characters have backstories that needed to be resolved.
Which is a shame, because the initial opening episodes of Kabuto are pretty solid. We establish the two main characters -- Arata Kagami and Tendou Souji. Arata's a typical Kamen Rider protagonist. A go-getter and just a regular dude who wants to help people out -- kinda generic, perhaps, and a bit of a wimp, but finds himself basically denied the chance to even do his job of protecting people from the Worms when the Kabuto Zecter flies to Tendou instead. Tendou, meanwhile, is an arrogant ass... who has that massive, inflated ego for a reason -- he is just that good. He quite literally is perfect, able to basically beat up any Worm or Rider in his path, he can cook, he can paint, he can speak French... he quite literally is a perfect man and everyone around him other than Arata and Hiyori acknowledges just how awesome he is.

There are admittedly some huge revelations that inform us of what his actual plan is, but when we do get those revelations, Tendou's attitude in the earlier episodes berating everyone else for being naive for protecting some Worms and being sentimental ends up painting Tendou as a massive, massive hypocrite (Tendou's reason to wipe out the worms is to allow his Worm-sister Hiyori, who is also amnesiac, to live peacefully). The problem is, both the writing and the scripting are so firmly in Tendou's side that it paints Arata's questioning of Tendou as Arata being the unreasonable one. The climax even has Tendou go around destroying seeming anti-Worm weaponry without bothering to tell anyone else that the anti-Worm weaponry actually is a generic doomsday device that turns humans into Worms, expecting everyone to let him do what's best for them, while at the same time not even trying to explain himself.

And I guess we'll quickly go through the side-characters in quick succession before we jump to the spoiler section. Kabuto is a show rich in riders, with Gatack, TheBee (hee hee hee), Drake, Sasword, Punch Hopper and Kick Hopper all being pretty well-defined secondary characters, and that's without counting the non-transforming ones. But that's honestly not really enough to carry the series forwards. Gatack/Arata is perhaps the one we spend the most time with, but while he definitely is better written than Tendou and has a lot of neat character moments, the show wiffle-waffles on how they want Arata to be. Is he always second best to Tendou, or is he going to carve his own path? Arata's overall story is pretty neat, but it suffers from the fact that it's basically the same character arc with a lot of other characters in the franchise as a whole, and his naivety and emotional outbursts are repeated way too many times.