Marvel's Runaways, Season 2, Episode 6: Bury Another; Episode 7: Last Rites

Episode 6 is a typical "escalation" episode as all of the characters basically continue on with their respective plans. There is a bit of suspension of disbelief where I went "no, you idiots, why are you still even cooperating with him?" when Jonah dropped Robert Minoru in front of PRIDE and basically demanded that they still cooperate, and that the earthquakes are totally not going to harm the world... but the episode is fast-paced enough that this particular bit of questionable behaviour could be chalked up to PRIDE simply not having enough time to discuss and react.
And... and at the end of the sixth episode, we basically have things rising up to a lot of revelations. Jonah beats the shit out of Geoffrey Wilder while he's in a gym shower, using him as a sacrifice to restore his body when Leslie refuses to give Jonah another sacrifice... and then when the Runaways infiltrate the building, they kidnap Geoffrey back. Chase and Gert get into a whole lot of arguments, caused not just by Gert calling Chase's mom to sign off on her meds, but also becuase Gert is doing all of this on her own. And Karolina came clean to Nico about her meetings with Jonah, as well as the revelation that Jonah killed Amy. And... and I do appreciate the plot and character developments moving pretty quickly, even if I do think the Chase/Gert stuff felt pretty kind of detached from the rest of the episode. And while I do think that Chase does have a right to be angry... he's a massive dick in this one, yeah?
In between revelations and the adults' infighting, the Runaways plan that aforementioned raid on the Gibborim church (with a genuinely hilarious bit where Karolina distracts the entire congregation with a light show, which they take for a miracle), leading to them getting Geoffrey as a prisoner, while also disocvering Victor being alive, but suspended in that sci-fi machine.

The Runaways' attempt to free Karolina's family didn't work, and Karolina is forced to evacuate Chase and Molly from the hole. Nico has the staff, so she elects to stay behind. Alex, Geoffrey and Gert also eventually join the confrontation, just as Jonah orders the alien ship to launch. And I do like just how bizarrely alien that ship is, it's a giant... rainbow blob making sounds like a singing whale, and it's actually genuinely beautiful.
Of course, the confrontation is absolutely neat. After the obligatory verbal showdown, the actual climax is not so much of an action scene. While the Runaways (mostly Karolina and Chase's Fistigons) try their best to talk down or delay Jonah, the parents actually manage to do something -- the combined sci-fi weapons made by the Steins and the Yorkes eventually succeed in causing black necrosis to overwhelm the alien ship and blow it up.

With the alien ship blown up (a moment that honestly does feel a bit tragic considering taht none of them have really done anything wrong other than the circumstance of causing some earthquakes) and Jonah dead, the Runaways and their parents are reunited. Nico casts a sleep spell to allow the Runaways to, well, run away again, but there are definitely things that are going on. Karolina is absolutely pissed off at Nico murdering her dad, becuase, well... as Karolina points out, she had the sleep spell, and they could've stopped Jonah without having to murder him. With Karolina losing both her father and her alien 'brothers' that she tried to save, I'm curious if this is the impetus for Karolina potentially fighting against the rest of her friends.

Random Notes:
- Episode 7 has this whole Frank Dean side-story where he's trying his best to get the hang of this Church of Gibborim stuff while it's thrust in the middle of the Runaways/Jonah/PRIDE conflict... and accidentally gets confronted by the brother of Destiny Gonzalez, the kid killed in the first season's premiere. Frank accidentally killed the brother during the ensuing struggle with a gun, which presumably is going to be a huge storyline to lead into the second part of the season.
- Chase's bitter snap at his mother about how "this won't be the first time, or the hundredth time" that his father would be different is perfectly delivered.
- Alex's "you're in my house now" line to Geoffrey is also perfectly delivered, and you really do feel just the amout of spite in Alex's voice.
- Alex's line about being an "NPC in the MMORPG of your lives" because everyone keeps going to him for advice is kinda hilarious, becuase... honestly, as well-acted as that Alex/Darius storyline is, he is kind of the most detached from the rest of the core Runaways team.
- The final shot of episode 6, with Karolina being so happy and free and unburdened after letting go of her secrets, as the camera rotates to Nico, whose face just goes through a range of emotions as she tries to process the news that she now knew who Amy's murderer is... that's pretty well done.
- They really still don't have the budget to show Old Lace doing anything cool but hang out and make cute dinosaur sounds, huh.
- And as fun as that line where Gert lampshades how she's going to be just a lookout on their mission, it does kind of really sideline her from anything not relationship-drama-related, which is a shame.
- Geoffrey did get a lot of neat scenes in episode 7 interacting with the kids, particularly realizing that Alex Wilder is way more awesome of a hacker than he gave the kid credit for. He doesn't really get too much to do or say, but his cooperation with the kids is definitely well executed.
- That line about Geoffrey thinking that Alex was watching How To Train A Dragon when he was learning how to do some FBI-level hacking.
- Dale interrupting Jonah's speech about how they all remember their children's births, mumbling about how he got a panic attack when Gert was born, is such a mood-ruiner, but man, such a hilarious one.
- Victor Stein talking to his wife and son about how there's that future message from Future Adult Chase is... I completely forgot about this plot point, honestly, and I'm curious to see if it's going to lead anywhere.
- Tina Minoru is now unable to use the Staff of One, which has imprinted entirely to Nico. An interesting development, particularly since this does mean that PRIDE is probably out of any sort of extra-human ability to fight. Tina's absolutely great expression of pride when she realizes this is amazing.
- The Gibborim drivers being all "IT'S A MIRACLE FROM GAWD" when Alex hacks their trucks and has them drive away is probably the most hilarious joke in these two episodse.
- Jonah talks to someone called "Xavin" and orders him to get the ship to take off. We'll hopefully see more of this Xavin fellow!

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