Marvel's Runaways, Season 2, Episode 8: Past Life

Meanwhile, both PRIDE and the Runaways are trying to pick up the pieces of what's going on with their lives, which is definitely something that's going to happen after the life-shaking revelations they've been through. PRIDE goes through a brief, muted celebration before deciding that, hey, their kids should return to them now, right? We don't see a ton of PRIDE outside of this other than the Wilders and the Deans. The Wilders basically are involved heavily in the Darius subplot, although most of what we see is Geoffrey calling out Catherine for being a goddamn idiot for ordering the hit on Livvie (very nearly causing Alex, Tamar and the baby to get shot), and Geoffrey eventually making amends, of sorts, with Tamar at the end of the episode.
Meanwhile, Frank Dean is desperate to hold on to the power he's climbed to in the Church of Gibborim, panicking when Leslie basically tells of her intent to shut down the church and PRIDE, since Jonah's gone. Frank asks for Leslie in assistance in disposing of Oscar Gonzalez's body, but ends up backstabbing Leslie and taking incriminating photographs and seemingly about to use this to spin Leslie as a criminal, which would lead the Church to him. Okay? I can't say I really care all that much for Frank Dean, but it's... it's a storyline, I suppose.
Frank isn't the only man melting down over the dissolution of PRIDE. PRIDE's main hitman slash go-to-guy for messy stuff like cover ups, Flores, ends up being told in no uncertain manners by Leslie that this is going to be their last job, and Flores clearly doesn't like this. He likes PRIDE's money, after all, and after showing up in the various related storylines in this episode (masterminding the Wilder hit, cleaning up Frank Dean's mistake), he ends up showing up in the end as part of the team that investigates the Runaways' attempt to infiltrate the hotel, coming face to face with little Molly. It's interesting -- Flores seems to be built up as a villain of an arc or something, and I'm curious where this is going, even if I'm not invested.

And... it's kind of an excuse to throw in some hijinks, really. Mostly on the Gert/Chase front, where Chase finds out that Gert's been making secret college plans, and the two are forced to do their argument while pretending to be newlyweds to fool a hotel staff lady, which... yeah, it's funny to a point, I guess, although I do feel like this romantic argument storyline has really kind of ran its course and feels a bit tiring at this point. The acting is great, which is what made the scenes bearable to watch. And while Alex and Livvie none-too-subtly flirt with each other, Nico and Molly end up accidentally realizing that their cover's blown, and, of course, the Runaways run away. Molly ends up staying behind, planning to break out with her super strength later on, but, of course, is confronted by Flores. Oops!
Not the most eventful episode, and we're seemingly setting up for a lower-stakes arc or something, but I did like what we got in this episode.
Random Notes:
- Karolina goes off on her own to enter the Church through some neat little excuses, and ends up discovering a message left behind from Jonah. I'm not sure where we're going with Karolina, and I'm happy that we're not sure if she's going to betray the Runaways and embrace her alien-hood or if she's going to just go through a phase, as it were.
- I'm a fan of that montage-like sequence of scenes as the Runaways basically do their plan to infiltrate the hotel.
- It's really confusing that both the alien and the host body are called "Jonah".
- It took me way too long to realize that the dude that shot at Livvie is also a policeman that shows up multiple times later on in the episode.

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