Marvel's Runaways, Season 2, Episode 4: Old School

And honestly, for an episode that seems to just be content at introducing Topher and have the entire episode be about how the core Runaways six (or, well, five, with Karolina out of the way) deal with him, it's surprising just how eventful things ended up being. Topher himself is honestly telegraphed to be pretty damn slimy, although part of it might be me already being exposed to his comic-book counterpart in the original Runaways run. It is interesting to see that in this version of the story, it is Molly that ended up being the biggest supporter of Topher. I mean, runaway kids have to stick with each other, right? Plus they're of the same ethnicity, they have similar glowing-eye powers, and Topher's all nice and all, providing them with random free food and even offering the crack theory that he might be a blood relative to Molly... but of course, the episode never really makes it a huge secret that Topher is one shifty and suspicious motherfucker, continually trying to flirt with Nico and trying to basically worm out information about the group and what they're "holding". And eventually, at the end of the episode, Nico, pretending to be taken in by Topher's charm, ends up revealing that he's something more... sinister. He gets high on a drug that makes his eyes glow yellow.
While on one hand I do applaud the show for not letting this storyline drag on for too long, I kinda wish that we had seen more signs that Topher might just be a nice guy and a kindred spirit. Oh well. We'll see how this storyline proceeds in subsequent episodes, huh?

Dale and Stacey Yorkes, meanwhile, go off to the dig site and send in a drone. It's mostly Agents of SHIELD Fitz-Simmons style of hilarious geeky banter between the two, and Dale being on the verge of freaking out is fun, but ultimately this seemingly low-key scene turns out to trigger yet another massive earthquake that both interrupts Karolina and Jonah's parent-child quality meeting, but also the Runaways' heist on Atlas Academy. The Yorkes discover that the biopsied weird white fluid, when exposed to the chemical they're preparing, does undergo necrosis, so they have something that can theoretically kill Jonah... except their escape from the dig site is witnessed by Jonah. Oops! Jonah and Karolina both hover down into the hole at the end of the episode, so we might very well see subterranean alien Cthulhu sooner rather than later.
What else? The Atlas Academy stealth raid mission is pretty fun, and, of course, gets interrupted by the earthquake triggered by the Yorkes' biopsy. We get a couple of interesting scenes here and there -- what was originally meant to be a way for them to test out Topher's loyalty ends up with a race to get the hell out of the school before their parents arrive... which, in turn, is caused by Gert looking for her anxiety medicine, only to be spotted by the nurse. Poor girl. Her condition is worsened by her witnessing Chase coming out of a bathroom stall with a different girl -- one of those popular girl types that immediately dismisses Gert. And I do think that it's an interesting decision for the episode to not actually show the audience that whatever favour that Eiffel asked from Chase isn't... adulterous in nature.
Overall, a pretty interesting episode all around, and the next one is probably going to follow up on many, many interesting ones. Is Topher going to turn on the Runaways so soon? What will Jonah and Karolina find under the ground? Will poor Gert ever get her meds? This second season's definitely going on pretty strong. I'm a big fan.
Random Notes:
- The Geoffrey/Catherine confrontation lasted a lot shorter than I expected it too, actually, after how the first three episodes revolved around the Wilder family so much. Catherine just basically verbally bitch-slaps Geoffrey and tells him to grow up and abandon any sense of being part of a brotherhood with his old life. Pretty harsh, but honestly par the course for this pair.
- I sort of breeze over it, but the exchange between Topher and Nico, with Topher clearly trying to hit on Nico very hard, is amazingly done. Nico's genuine disinterest, and her eventual feigned interest, are all done amazingly well. Considering how easily Topher managed to seduce Nico in the original run of the comics, it's a nice little change here to see that it's Nico that's playing Topher instead.
- PRIDE interrogating that random biker goon, and the sheer difference between Geoffrey Wilder's "you want to intimidate ME?!" reaction and Robert's "just take this fifty bucks and tell us what you know" is pretty damn hilarious.
- #EarthquakeBitches.
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