Kamen Rider Zero-One, Episode 25: I Will Save the Humagears

Anyway, the episode starts with the revelation that someone has placed a jammer on top of the Hiden Intelligence building, and Aruto and Izu has to bring an expert, a Humagear professor called Professor Bot, to fix it. Of course any sort of tension as to who did this -- Zaia? Metsubo? Someone else? -- ends up being done away quickly as the literal next scene is immediately showing off the new Kamen Rider Jin suit. Yes, I get it, it's a new form, but it's not like it's particularly different other than the colour. Fuwa also shows up, telling them about how Horobi has escaped, because someone sabotaged AIMS.

Of course, Izu quickly points out how weird it is that Professor Bot knows about things like Thouser and the Ark that aren't actually in the database, but an Aruto Joke ends up deflecting the question, and Professor Bot ends up making up an excuse, telling them to ask the one who created the Ark. This apparently leads to the hero trio showing up to confront Yua and Gai. Yua, as usual, is shocked that his evil employer Gai is actually pretty damn evil. Gai pretends to not know anything, of course, but then goes into a rant about how this is what AIMS is created for, to weaponize the weapons called Kamen Riders. I do like this little argument between Gai and Aruto, even if it is admittedly very Kamen Rider Build-y. Aruto insists that Kamen Riders aren't a weapon, but Gai just talks about how the financial concept and the fact that everyone is rising to the conflict are factors that are going to profit Zaia a lot, especially with the current threat of Metsubojinrai.net. Can't sell weapons without a threat, right? (Except Gai's selling freaking smart glasses instead of these weapons, so apparently he's also a shit businessman). Gai also refuses to help fight Metsubojinrai.net, wanting them to flourish in order for him to justify Thouser or something.
We do get a pretty cool scene at this point as Aruto and Fuwa basically talk about each other's main goals. Fuwa claims that he's going to turn all his enemies into scrap, because "that's what Vulcan is", and Aruto talks about his dream of harmony and stuff, becuase "that's what Zero One is." This is a genuinely cool moment, and even if I'm not the biggest fan about the pacing of the rest of the episode, this bit of them declaring what their mission statements are, and the tie-in to Jin saying a similar thing later on, is pretty damn smooth.

Burning Falcon Jin fights Assault Wolf Vulcan, and, again, the choreography here is pretty great, with fire punches and spinning kicks and whatnot, and the special effects for Jin's new finisher Burning Reign is pretty awesome. Again, for all the faults this episode has, I think I rewatched that fight between Vulcan and Burning Jin like five times. The spinning slash attack thing blows Fuwa aside, knocking him out of his transformation, while Jin de-transforms and shows off that he's ditched his hoodie terrorist fashion and is dressed in a smart-looking fancy suit, which looks almost as awesome as his Burning Falcon suit. There's a bit of a confusion where Fuwa thinks Jin is human because of the ears (I didn't even realize), but apparently it's just part of Jin's new Humagear upgrade.
And then we get the huge revelation that Jin had help, that he's the one putting the jammer, and Professor Bot was being hijacked and controlled by him all along. The actual cinematography and the setup of the scene is pretty cool execution-wise, but the actual revelation sort of fell flat because, well, it's pretty blatantly obvious from the first scene. Izu actually asks Jin why he's even bothering with the long info-dumps, but apparently it's because Jin is buying time. Mostly, I just think it's because of lazy writing. While Horobi does some vague 'connect to the Ark' stuff, Jin talks about how he's going to unchain Humagears from humanity and bring them true freedom, becuase "that's what Kamen Rider Jin is", which is cool. And then the Metsuboys leave... and we get another twist that apparently Jin isn't subservient to Horobi anymore, and he's got a brand-new agenda for the Humegears.
Overall... I think I made my feelings for this episode pretty clear. As a standalone episode it's a mess between half-baked plot ideas and a pretty poorly justified exposition dump. But the actual fight scenes for Burning Falcon Jin and the whole "that's what [insert Kamen Rider name] is!" theme is at least well-delivered. Ultimately, though, kind of a dud episode if we're being honest.
Random Notes:
- This week on the "Izu is adorable" watch is the first scene, where Izu has a little cold pack over her head and just opening her head in front of a fan adorably. Also adorable is how Izu calmly jogs in the background to try and catch up with the running Aruto and Fuwa when they catch up with the Metsuboys.
- Also this week has probably one of my favourite "Fuwa secretly thinks Aruto's jokes are funny" moment when he had to pretend to like, hug Aruto or something to hold in his laughter.
- Jin still has his real-ass gun with the handphone strap. That's nice.
- The Gimmick Watch: "Inferno Wing! Burning reign!"
- I think I have to mention that Professor Bot has a little lightbulb on top of his head that lights up for a visual gag, but the humour factor is pretty strained for this one. I'll stick with Aruto-ja-nai puns, thank you very much.
- That shot of the four members of Metsubojinrai.net being assembled together is admittedly pretty damn cool.
- I guess we are having the whole 'goodwill data' and 'evil feelings data', huh, with Professor Bot explicitly calling those two as the source of power for the Progrise and Zetsumerize Keys respectively. It kinda sounds corny, but okay, sure, whatever.
- I really do wish Yua gets a "this is what Valkyrie is" somewhere down the line. She really got downgraded into barely-a-supporting character at this point, isn't she? Hell, even Gai got to talk about how his motivations to sell Thouser as the ultimate weapon. Poor, poor Yua.
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