Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 153: Transform!
I've tried to do reviews for a couple of previous chapters of Boku no Hero Academia, but I just didn't quite manage to do it. So I decided to just go 'fuck it' and just review the latest chapter, 153. The previous chapter was really good, one of the best character moments that Mirio has ever gotten and a truly badass chapter in both action and characterization that I don't really think I'll be able to just cover it in like four or five paragraphs, and I'm kinda tired today, so I'm not going to be able to do 152 and 153, I don't think.
Anyway, this chapter. We get a brief show of Mimic going crazy and basically informing the heroes that the Villain-Yakuza alliance is all fucked, and after a rather... unnecessary speech from Lock Rock, our heroes go off to assist Mirio in fighting Overhaul. We also get a brief scene of Toga and Twice apparently planning something insidious against Overhaul.
We get the absolutely badass two-page spread of Midoriya (and Aizawa, and Nighteye, but mostly Midoriya) charging in and whacking Overhaul in his shoulder, saving Mirio from getting fucked. Nighteye's scene as he hugs Mirio is absolutely well done and easily the standout scene of the chapter. After last chapter making Mirio as a complete badass that's simply unrelenting in his desire to save little Eri, the sight of him still standing strong, and his last words in this chapter still pertaining to protecting Eri ("she's behind me..."), followed by Nighteye's proud, trembling hug of his student going "splendid..." is just very heartwarming.
Apparently, Overhaul healed Chrono's head (that's... a creative way to make use of Overhaul's construct/deconstruct ability) and basically makes him play dead, allowing him to neutralize Aizawa's powers, which in turn is neutralizing Overhaul. The ridiculousness of a literal minute hand from a clock face shooting out and stabbing Aizawa's arm and slowing him down is probably the most creative way that time powers have been visually displayed in a manga, I think.

Overall most of the action scenes and displays of power were visually great, especially from an artwork standpoint, but for me this chapter's biggest draw was the whole scene with Nighteye and Mirio.
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