Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 235: A New Threat
So the past few chapters of Taizai has been a cooldown from the big Escanor-vs-Meliodas fight, which is easily a pretty badass fight even if it ended with Escanor pulling a bit of a deus ex machina. The resulting aftermath is pretty interesting as well, with Meliodas reverting back to his demon form... oh, and some Arthur stuff. Arthur has been... a character that is pretty problematic in that he's clearly hugely relevant to the main plot, but his whole schtick has been such a Mary Sue (he's skilled, everyone loves him, he has no character flaws, he's perfect... but he has no personality) that I can't really give two shits about Arthur.

The previous chapter ended with the Demon King telling Zeldoris that he wants Zeldoris to rescue Meliodas and make him Demon King instead of Zeldoris, and this chapter shows that Zeldoris obviously doesn't take this lying down. In addition to Zeldoris seeing Meliodas as an enemy and a traitor, he's been, y'know, working hard to be the new Demon King instead, and he's simply being brushed aside for his prodigal brother.
Zeldoris does this big recall of all the other Ten Commandments, but they're all either dead or dispatched. The montage of all the Commandments' fates is a bit long but rather necessary, I think, even if the random revelation that Derriere and Monspiet are alive and shacking up in a random farm, tired of all this demon lord bullshit, is a bit... out of nowhere, and very anticlimactic. They're just hanging out, I guess? I dunno.
Oh, and Balor and Gloxinia make their resignation official, and I'm surprised Zeldoris doesn't just have the ability to murder them then and there. What have Balor and Gloxinia ever did as part of the Ten Commandments beyond make the horrible death tournament (which everyone glossed over since they're good now) anyway? Zeldoris fires them, notes that Estarossa is in a coma (which... is fair, I guess) before going full Vegeta and going mwahahahahahaha demon power and shit.
He's then joined by two demons who recently broke out of their seals, Cusack, the dude whose mustache could be mistaken for the hands of a clock face, and Chadler, who's an old man with a stick. And apparently those two are, well, former teachers of Zeldoris and Meliodas respectively, instantly raising their threat level relatively significantly. I've personally thought that the Commandments (Estarossa in particular) haven't really been explored enough to really justify them being brushed aside, especially post-timeskip where a good chunk of them are just subjected to huge worf effect hits to build up the Seven Sins (Gray Road, Merascylla, Estarossa, Derriere and Monspiet) plus how Balor and Gloxinia were handled... but eh, I'll take it. I dunno. It's still enjoyable, and while a little off I don't actually think that it's bad, so we'll go with the flow. At least this time around the enemies seem to be far more powerful that simple 'unleash Escanor' won't justifiably deal with them, so yay for that.
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