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Karazhan |
The tower of Karazhan has appeared in Warcraft I, where it was the lair of the human Guardian Medivh. Built by Medivh's mother Aegwynn, his predecessor as the Guardian of Azeroth, Karazhan is a gigantic tower built on a nexus of magical ley-lines in Deadwind Pass. The Guardian is a being with immense magical power that would protect Azeroth from any threats -- including those of the demonic Burning Legion. They were initially members of the Kirin Tor, the council of Dalaran, but Aegwynn saw the politicking among the Dalaran and was disgusted with them. Being the most powerful of any Guardian or any living mage on earth, Aegwynn prolonged her life with arcane magics, and constructed the tower of Karazhan as her own personal base of operations. Aegwynn would give birth to Medivh, who would take over as the new Guardian. Unbeknownst to Aegwynn or anyone else, Medivh carried within him the corruption of the demon lord Sargeras who had battled Aegwynn in ages past, which would influence Medivh to eventually contact the orcs on Draenor, and together create the Dark Portal that would cause the First War between humans and orcs. The maddened Medivh would eventually be put to sword and slain by his friends Lothar, Garona and Khadgar, and he would thank them for freeing him of the madness he's been trapped in. (More on Medivh later on)
In his youth, however, before Sargeras's corruption took root, Medivh did canonically like to throw parties to fool the mages of Dalaran into thinking that he's basically Azeroth's version of a rich brat billionaire. He would invite guests and nobles from all the human kingdoms and create huge lavish parties in order to fool them into thinking that he wasn't even using his magical powers properly. One such party is presumably the basis for the One Night in Karazhan adventure, which took place long before Medivh felt the corruption within himself that would lead to much sorrow.
Karazhan itself would be opened in World of Warcraft: The Burnign Crusade as one of the msot iconic WoW dungeons, and a large number (but not all) of these dungeon bosses would be reflected in the Adventure. In Legion, Karazhan would be revamped as a new dungeon ('Return to Karazhan') for higher-level adventurers as Moroes, the old codger, invited demons from the Burning Legion in, but that version of Karazhan isn't particularly reflected here due to being created, y'know, after the Hearthstone expansion is out. So yeah. Disco party!
Bosses & Legendaries:

Note that the 'free Medivh' encounter had Nazra Wildaxe, whose appearance probably is meant to be a callback/foreshadowing to the fact that Medivh opened a portal to Draenor to summon the orcs in the First War. A deleted fight in the 'free Medivh' encounter had you battle the Maiden of Virtue, a Titanic Watcher found in the original Karazhan raid in Burning Crusade, but it was cut out prior to the release of the game.
Prince Malchezaar:

Prince Malchezaar is an Eredar, one of the greatest and highest-ranking demons in the Burning Legion. Malchezaar in Burning Legion has taken control of the tower of Karazhan, and while not much of his motivations has been explained (the events that took place in One Night in Karazhan is, again, original to Hearthstone) he sits atop the highest part of the tower, in a room called Netherspace. Malchezaar is nominally the final boss of the karazhan raid.
Prince Malchezaar fights adventurers by summoning giant infernals into battle, which explains his line "you face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!" (which is a line he also says in WoW). Malchezaar is also noted to be the possessor of several rare weapons, most famous among them Gorehowl, which inexplicably dropped from the Eredar Prince despite it canonically being in the possession of Thrall and later Garrosh Hellscream. Adventurers that raided Karazhan would defeat Malchezaar and send him back into the twisting nether. Beyond that... Malchezaar himself doesn't have that much lore behind him.
Malchezaar would make a cameo appearance as one of the 'memories' summoned by Argent Confessor Paletress in Wrath of the Lich King's Trial of the Champion instance. Warlocks in WoW wearing the set of armour known as the Deathrattle Regalia also have a chance to summon Malchezaar as a temporary ally.
Prince Malchezaar fights adventurers by summoning giant infernals into battle, which explains his line "you face not Malchezaar alone, but the legions I command!" (which is a line he also says in WoW). Malchezaar is also noted to be the possessor of several rare weapons, most famous among them Gorehowl, which inexplicably dropped from the Eredar Prince despite it canonically being in the possession of Thrall and later Garrosh Hellscream. Adventurers that raided Karazhan would defeat Malchezaar and send him back into the twisting nether. Beyond that... Malchezaar himself doesn't have that much lore behind him.
Malchezaar would make a cameo appearance as one of the 'memories' summoned by Argent Confessor Paletress in Wrath of the Lich King's Trial of the Champion instance. Warlocks in WoW wearing the set of armour known as the Deathrattle Regalia also have a chance to summon Malchezaar as a temporary ally.
The Chess Event:

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Chess Event (TCG) |
Like Hearthstone, the chess pieces in WoW auto-attack and auto-cast spells when moved around. And just like in Hearthstone, the Echo of Medivh will cheat at random intervals in the game, healing his own units, shooting random blasts of fire at your units, or buffing his own pieces. Also note that the Black King and White King artwork from Hearthstone actually depicts Medivh himself, albeit with a crown.
Barnes & the Opera Event:

The Opera Event, expanded to a whole wing in Hearthstone, is actually a single boss fight in World of Warcraft's Karazhan dungeon. One of three encounters can happen -- "Hood", "Oz" or "Romulo and Julianne", being references to the real-life works of fiction Little Red Riding Hood, Wizard of Oz and Romeo and Juliet respectively. Barnes, the Stage Manager, is the main NPC that starts the event -- although in WoW Barnes is an undead ghost, just like most of the beings in Karazhan.

While in life Barnes is a happy opera manager, in death he continues to faithfully do his duties, albeit with a bit of a twist, since the audience (the raid members) will have to actually fight the actors. The 'Oz' play had adventurers fight Dorothee (a human ghost), Tito (a wolf), Tinhead (a mechanical knight), Strawman (a harvest golem) and Roar (a tigon -- a half-tiger, half-man race) and the Crone (a female troll). In 'Hood', the Big Bad Wolf is a gigantic worgen, and he will periodically transform a member into the little red riding hood. Romulo and Julianne are a pair of ghosts that support each other in combat. Some of these mechanics are somewhat reflected in Hearthstone, although you are allied with Dorothee in the Crone encounter.
In Legion, the ghost of Barnes and the Opera Event return with several new plays -- Wikket (Wicked), Westfall Story (West Side Story, albeit with murlocs) and Beautiful Beast (Beauty and the Beast).

While in life Barnes is a happy opera manager, in death he continues to faithfully do his duties, albeit with a bit of a twist, since the audience (the raid members) will have to actually fight the actors. The 'Oz' play had adventurers fight Dorothee (a human ghost), Tito (a wolf), Tinhead (a mechanical knight), Strawman (a harvest golem) and Roar (a tigon -- a half-tiger, half-man race) and the Crone (a female troll). In 'Hood', the Big Bad Wolf is a gigantic worgen, and he will periodically transform a member into the little red riding hood. Romulo and Julianne are a pair of ghosts that support each other in combat. Some of these mechanics are somewhat reflected in Hearthstone, although you are allied with Dorothee in the Crone encounter.
In Legion, the ghost of Barnes and the Opera Event return with several new plays -- Wikket (Wicked), Westfall Story (West Side Story, albeit with murlocs) and Beautiful Beast (Beauty and the Beast).

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Zombie Moroes! |
Moroes would meet Khadgar when he came to study under Medivh as an apprentice, and the only one to actually last without leaving in frustration. Moroes was described as a particularly thin man who initially made Khadgar think that Moroes was a mutated animal or a ghost. Moroes was polite but rather strange, wearing blinders to prevent himself from seeing the strange visions in Karazhan. As Khadgar and Garona discovered the truth about Medivh, they implored Moroes to escape. While Moroes helped the two to leave, he stayed behind in Karazhan as he had nowhere else to go. When Khadgar returned with the soldiers of Stormwind, he would find Moroes's body, killed by Medivh.
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Moroes (TCG art) |
In Warlords of Draenor, Moroes might show up in players' garrisons, noting that he has been killed by adventurers many, many times and has been revived by some unseen force as many times. (It's called respawning, but it also does foreshadow the Return to Karazhan dungeon somewhat) While he desired true death, he knew that was not his fate. Moroes would ask adventurers to find an acidic solution to help clean him up. In Legion, Moroes again serves as the boss for a revamped Banquet Hall, where once again he fights adventurers with the aid of the ghosts of his guests. Some scenes from the Last Guardian novel can also be seen in the Return to Karazhan dungeon. Moroes would kill Apprentice Darius, a Violet Eye mage, and, seeing Legion forces marching towards the tower, would see it as a sign of Medivh's return and allow the demons entry into the tower -- something that causes the creation of the Return to Karazhan dungeon. Players can go through a quest to attempt to free Moroes from his curse, but Moroes would note that while his body is still bound to Karazhan, his spirit is free to do as he wills, and would show up as an ally to the adventurer.
Moroes also shows up in the 2016 Warcraft movie, played by Battlestar Galactica alumnus Callum Keith Rennie.
Nightbane (a.k.a. Arcanagos):

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Nightbane (WoW) |
In Burning Crusade's Karazhan raid, players are able to undergo a quest to seek out Medivh's journals and a mystical urn in order to discover the existence and the way to summon Nightbane. While Nightbane was seemingly slain in Burning Crusade, the Return to Karazhan dungeon in Legion once more included Nightbane as a secret summonable boss that the raid can summon by interacting with 5 soul fragments in the tower within a time limit.
(Why is Nightbane not a card, Blizzard?) The depiction of Nightbane in One Night in Karazhan depicts him in his Arcanagos (i.e. still alive) form.
Terestian Illhoof (and also, Kil'Rek)

Terestian Illhoof is an optional boss in Karazhan, a mighty satyr that is located in the Repository sub-area in Karazhan. Illhoof's chamber is accessed by going through a secret passage behind a bookshelf in the library, and killing the satyr would halt the spawning of demons. Like Nightbane, in Karazhan, Illhoof doesn't actually have anything to do with the menagerie area. In both WoW and Hearthstone, Illhoof is able to summon imps to aid him in combat, among them the mighty imp Kil'rek, who seems to be Illhoof's personal servant.

While Illhoof seems to be summoning Sargeras in his Hearthstone dialogue, no such indication is the case in World of Warcraft.
The Curator:

Curator (WoW) |
Despite seemingly being destroyed by adventurers during the events of Burning Crusade, the Curator was repaired, presumably by the magics of the tower, to menace a group of Night Watch members from Darkshire in a comic, and later in Legion... although by Legion the Curator's has malfunctioned somewhat terribly, turning him far more powerful and sociopathic than normal. To note that the Curator and Zoobot are the only two arcane guardians/golems in Hearthstone to have the 'mech' tag, whereas others (Arcane Giant and Arcane Golem) does not. Presumably those are just flat-out special? You never can tell with Medivh.
Shade of Aran:

Aran |
His boss-specific card, Flame Wreath, is a reference to a unique spell he casts in his boss fight.

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Netherspite (WoW) |
While no real lore behind Netherspite exists in WoW, Hearthstone's promotional material for Karazhan identifies Netherspite as Medivh's lab assistant. Also, note that the Raid Leader -- a card inspired by a memetic video of a poorly-handled Onyxia raid -- has specific dialogue of shouting about standing in beams, a reference to a different 'bad raid' video featuring Netherspite's boss fight.
Medivh, the Last Guardian:

Medivh was born to Aegwynn, a Guardian of Tirisfal. The title of Guardian was gifted to the most powerful mage in all of the mage city of Dalaran, with all the powers of the mages that comprise council of Kirin Tor granted to the Guardian. Aegwynn, however, was a maverick, and refused to bow to the whims of the Kirin Tor council, disgusted by the political bickering. With her magic, Aegwynn prolonged her life indefinitely, and, seeing that the Kirin Tor could not be trusted, Aegwynn decided to not relinquish the power of the Guardian. She lived far longer than any human did, and would give birth to her son, Medivh. Medivh's father was the talented mage Nielas Aran, who once pursued Aegwynn under the orders of the Kirin Tor. Eight centuries before the first war, Aegwynn did battle against a mighty demon -- an avatar of Sargeras. The battle was mighty, but Aegwynn was seemingly victorious. However, unbeknownst to Aegwynn, Sargeras has placed a fragment of his own soul into Aegwynn's body, a fragment which would enter that of the infant Medivh.

It was around this point when Medivh started to experience moments of blackouts as the spirit of Sargeras began to manifest and slowly take over. Initially, Sargeras was far more subtle, giving Medivh nightmares and causing him to be troubled and obsessed with stopping the Burning Legion. Sargeras would show Medivh the world of Draenor, where the fel-touched orcs rampaged with no enemy to fight. Medivh would contact the orc warlock Gul'dan, and, giving him promises of artifacts of great power, would work together to create the Dark Portal with the swamps of Black Morass. Thus together, Medivh and Gul'dan would create the Dark Portal together, unleashing the savage orcish Horde upon the world of Azeroth, and beginning the First War, tying together the fates of human and orc forevermore. When the Dark Portal was opened, Aegwynn and her dragon companion, Arcanagos, arrived on Karazhan to confront Medivh in Karazhan. However, at this point Sargeras was part of Medivh's psyche. Medivh killed all the guests in Karazhan, burned Arcanagos inside out, and nearly killed Aegwynn. Moroes, the sole survivor, had his memory wiped by Medivh, although he would not be quite the same.

Medivh's body was buried, but his spirit lingered. Between the First and Third War, Medivh's spirit gained corporeal form, and while the circumstances behind it was shady, Aegwynn was often credited with this act. Now that the energies of the Guardian and Sargeras were both expelled from him, Medivh noted that this was the first time in his life that he was truly just Medivh. He would travel Azeroth during the events leading up to Warcraft III, acting as a mysterious prophet with the ability to transform into a raven.

Residents of Karazhan:
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Attumen |
Priest of the Feast: Priest of the Feast is original to Hearthstone, although he is clearly one of the (very much alive!) guests to the party in Karazhan. No depressing soul-siphoning or demonic possession here, after all. Also, the Priest of the Feast is yet another card that makes the funnel cake running gag.
Deadly Fork: All of the living silverware is original to One Night in Karazhan, and no equivalent enemy appears in WoW.
Silverware Golem: Ditto for Silverware Golem, who, despite the awesome concept, doesn't actually exist in WoW.
Pantry Spider: One encounter not replicated in the One Night in Karazhan adventure is the Servant's Quarters, where one of three powerful beasts -- Hyakiss, Rokad or Shadikith -- would appear as a boss. Hyakiss the Lurker is a giant spider, and is accompanied by several lesser spiders. While the Pantry and Cellar Spiders in Hearthstone doesn't exactly look like Hyakiss (Hyakiss' TCG artwork is actually used for League of Explorers' Tomb Spider), it's likely that they were inspired by her.
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Big Bad Wolf (WoW) |
Kindly Grandmother/Big Bad Wolf: Kindly Grandmother/Big Bad Wolf is based on the Big Bad Wolf boss from Burning Crusade's Karazhan, one of the three possible encounters for the Opera Event (see Barnes' entry). In WoW, while disguised as 'the Grandmother', the Big Bad Wolf actually appears in the form of an elderly human woman, before assuming his true form as a giant worgen. Note that the Big Bad Wolf is the only time in Hearthstone that worgens are counted as beasts. In Legion's Return to Karazhan dungeon, the Big Bad Wolf can hilariously be found in backstage alongside many other of the original Opera Hall bosses.
Wicked Witchdoctor: Wicked Witchdoctor depicts the Crone, a boss in the Opera Event fought in both WoW's Karazhan raid as well as the One Night in Karazhan adventure. Her name here, of course, is a reference to the character from Wizard of Oz that the Crone homages, the Wicked Witch of the West. The term 'witch doctor' is a rank often held by trolls, indicating their status as powerful shamans of the tribe.

Swashburglar: I'm genuinely not sure just what Swashburglar is meant to reference. While practically every other card in the adventure seems to represent a sub-location in the Karazhan dungeon, Swashburglar is just... the dude from TGT's Burgle artwork with a pirate hat.
Zoobot: While no mob in Karazhan is specifically called a 'Zoobot', many other arcane guardians do wander around the Menagerie and the Guardian's Library in Karazhan. Zoobot is unique in that it depicts a smaller, cuter version of the traditional arcane guardian.
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Arcane Watchman (WoW) |
Menagerie Magician: Menagerie Magician is original to Hearthstone, because, again, the WoW version of the Menagerie is mostly populated with arcane guardians and undead ghosts.
Menagerie Warden: Menagerie Warden is also original to Hearthstone.
Enchanted Raven: Medivh is very much associated with ravens, with his iconic appearance in a Warcraft III cutscene involving him transforming from a raven into a human within Lordaeron's court room. Ravens are also found circling the tower of Karazhan in WoW, Medivh's staff Atiesh is in the shape of a raven, he's got raven feathers on his cloak... and so on. Note that the Enchanted Raven may actually represent Medivh himself, considering the raven in the artwork has the same necklace that Medivh wears.
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Arcane Anomaly (WoW) |
Babbling Book: Babbling Book is unique to Hearthstone. Presumably it's one of the many, many books in Karazhan's large library.
Ethereal Peddler: The Ethereal Peddler is unique to Hearthstone, and no mob with her name exists in WoW. However, several ethereal enemies can be found in the Guardian's Library (Ethereal Thief and Ethereal Spellfilcher). Also to note that the Ethereal Peddler is the first depiction of a female Ethereal in any Blizzard material, with her gender being distinct due to her voice and her hourglass-esque body shape.
Book Wyrm: (Ha ha, the pun) Book Wyrm is a original to Hearthstone, and the only dragons to appear in WoW's Karazhan is actually only Netherspite and Nightbane. He could, of course, simply be a guest -- this is pre-creepy Karazhan.
Netherspite Historian: Netherspite Historian is original to Hearthstone, but her name, of course, references the boss Netherspite, perhaps indicating that she is a servant of Netherspite.
Ivory Knight: Ivory Knight is clearly meant to depict the white knight unit from the Chess Event, or specifically the Hearthstone iteration that uses real giant chess pieces.
Onyx Bishop: Ditto for the Onyx Bishop, which depicts the black bishop piece in chess.
Malchezaar's Imp: Malchezaar in World of Warcraft doesn't actually have imps or summon imps -- in fact, the only imps found found in WoW's Karazhan are the ones summoned by the satyr Terestian Illhoof, making Malchezaar's Imp more or less original to Hearthstone.
Arcanosmith: Arcanosmith is original to Hearthstone and doesn't have any sort of equivalent in WoW. Likewise for the Animated Shield.

Violet Illusionist: The Violet Illusionist is a member of the Violet Eye, a sect founded by the Kirin Tor of Dalaran to spy on Medivh in Karazhan. Despite Medivh's death in the First War, the Violet Eye remained, and members of the Violet Eye would become quest-givers to adventurers seeking to enter Karazhan in Burning Crusade. No real NPC seems to be equivalent to Violet Illusionist, as far as I can tell.
Runic Egg: No real lore behind Runic Egg, presumably it's just a magical artifact in Karazhan.
Avian Watcher: Avian Watcher seems to be a minion representation of the glowing-eyed owl fixtures found on Karazhan. Otherwise, not much lore behind it.
Moat Lurker: Moat Lurker is original to Hearthstone, and I'm not 100% sure what it's supposed to be. It seems to be a bog beast, but with a face, I suppose? It certainly doesn't look to be wooden enough to be a botani, which wouldn't be on Azeroth anyway.
Medivh's Valet: Medivh's Valet and his monkey are, obviously, original to Hearthstone.
Abilities & Weapons:

Cat Trick: Cat Trick is original to Hearthstone.
Purify: Purify is an ability for Holy and Discipline Priests added in Mists of Pandaria, which dispels harmful effects on the target such as disease and debuffs.
Kara Kazham!: Kara Kazham is original to Hearthstone, just like all the Beauty and the Beast style living cutlery in the adventure. Quite amusingly, the "Beautiful Beast" Opera encounter in Return to Karazhan would feature an encounter with living cutlery similar to Kara Kazham, despite Legion being created after Hearthstone. Likely to just be a coincidence, though.
Protect the King: Protect the King is original to Hearthstone.
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Fool's Bane (WoW) |
Fool's Bane: Fool's Bane is an epic one-handed mace that drops from Terestian Illhoof in WoW. Doesn't really have much lore beyond that.
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