Sunday 29 March 2015

Fairy Tail 425 Review: Fat Sting

Fairy Tail, Chapter 425: Sabertooth X792

First up, apologies for being silent for close to a week. Real life stuff's been really rough for me, and things are going to be rough for the next, oh, three weeks or so. So reviews might not be as regular as they used to be. That being said, though, I'm going to catch up with last week's manga reviews so yeah. TV show reviews may be even later because, y'know, it takes more time to watch an episode than to skim 20 comic pages. So.

Anyway, Natsu, Lucy and Happy go off to visit Sabertooth (Wendy stays behind to heal Juvia) for whatever mysterious reason Natsu has. And it's revealed this chapter that apparently Natsu remembers the whole 'Frosch will die in a year' warning from Future Rogue, the only real plot progression point that this most recent timeskip really gives. And apparently what Future Rogue said was 'Frosch will be killed by Gray' specifically... which is kind of a bullshit retcon. But whatever. I'm not a big fan of the whole Future Rogue and Infinite Futures bullshit, but at least we're putting some relevance into this 'gather everybody' arc beyond just seeing every single one of the lesser Fairy Tail characters one after the other.

The lesser Sabertooth guys -- Yukino, Rufus and Orga -- get to say a couple of things. And then Sting shows up and he's apparently gotten super-duper fat over the last year, which is a fucking hilarious change and an unexpected one too! Sadly status quo claims his bountiful fattiness in a few pages because Yukino uses Libra to change him back. Not only does it kind of ruin the Fat-Sting joke, it's also a bit dickish of Yukino to not make Sting back into shape until Natsu and company shows up.

Also wasn't Libra's power changing weights and gravity and not, y'know, instant liposuction?

Natsu goes off to track down Rogue and Frosch (who is adorbs), but we get kind of sidetracked by Lucy talking to Minerva and Minerva suddenly losing all her personality and becoming... well, a generic 'I'm so sorry I was evil apparently I am shy and sweet' character. Like Flare, Yukino or Juvia, but nowhere as interesting because Minerva's whole point was that she's a gigantic bitch, abusive father or not, and you might as well as have a new character in her place. Whatever. We also get some generic "Fairy Tail is in our hearts" moment from Lucy which we really don't need we had like seven of these during the Wendy mini-arc.

Also, Frosch, I know you're kind of a ditz but the symbol on your back is Sabertooth and not Fairy Tail.

Rogue is apparently on a job to go off and destroy Avatar, so we're tying into that more sooner than I thought. Natsu takes the job and poster from Rogue and is determined to do it himself so Gray won't come into contact with Frosch, which is all well and good, but he doesn't seem to tell Rogue what this whole thing is about thus ensuring that Rogue and Frosch will show up at the worst possible moment. Why didn't Natsu tell Rogue? There might be a reason, but I really don't know.

Still not quite as engaging or interesting as Fairy Tail used to be, but Evil Gray's Guild and the whole thing about Frosch's possible death is certainly a nicer thread to follow than re-recruiting everyone.

Also a side chapter with an Ichiya Zombie Plague came out too. Won't talk too much about that beyond the fact that it's the best and funniest chapter ever and reviewing it will amount to me just describing all the times that Ichiya's face shows up on a Fairy Tail character. Holy shit that was funny and I laughed so hard.

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