Monday 16 March 2015

Toriko 316 Review: Komatsu Goes to Heaven

Toriko, Chapter 316: Grab Hold

A bit of a mind-fucky chapter, this one, but in a good way. The Bambina stuff has been going on for a while and as much as I enjoy it thankfully it's mostly over with this chapter. The whole backdoor-thing is still unexplained, but apparently Toriko meets Komatsu, or the spirit or ghost of Komatsu or some shit I dunno. Whatever they did last chapter -- biting or kissing or simply Bambina seeing his old love -- Pair fell, but one ball disappears. Toriko catches one and Komatsu, in the other world or backdoor or whatever catches the other. Apparently only Toriko can see Komatsu because they're both holding the Pair balls, so we get this dramatic scene of catching Pair together and combining them into one and all that jazz about teamwork and working together and whatnot.

That, apparently, is the method to capture Pair and I assume back then Bambina and his lover are the ones to do that or something. I really would like an explanation to just what in the bloody fuck is this whole back-door thing, though.

Komatsu then does this rather long farewell speech to Toriko and the other Kings and cries and whatnot before ascending to the heavens or whatever, and right after then Yun Yun shows up... with Komatsu's dying body. So either that's Komatsu's dying ghost ascending into heaven, or simply Komatsu's will materializing in his heart or whatever. So he's dead. Ish. This is Toriko, though, so I'm going to guess that after Kaka gets defeated Pair will raise Komatsu from the dead. Seems fitting. Those are Bambina's balls, after all.

Also apparently Yun Yun is a high-level camping monster whose stomach can open and close. Who'd known?

Kaka then shows up all creepy and shit, hopefully not having eaten Terry and the others. He (She?) talks about how much more tastier Pair seems compared to the normal Pair, so much that even a few drops of Pair has caused the Sandoriko flowers to stop excreting pollen because of how nutritious it is. Kaka then talks about how he managed to get through the Sandoriko because of it, and demands they hand over Pair and Komatsu, and fully intends to kill the lot of them. Man, Kaka's hardcore. He's got this great nightmare face.

But then Bambina kind of gets in between Kaka and Toriko's group while dancing with his partner, pulls off his own nightmare face and I guess next chapter we'll see Kaka and Bambina fight, which will be something all right. They've got truly crazy-looking faces in that last page. My money's on Bambina. Yeah, definitely looking forward to the next chapter coming out later this week.

(Also, y'know, Bambina's balls exploding and combining into one and popping off in the first place is still weird as fuck.)

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