Friday 6 March 2015

One Piece 779 Review: Get to the damn final battle already

One Piece, Chapter 779: The Final Battle

Damn all these flashback and recap chapters, all I want is to get to the damn fight against Doflamingo! This chapter sort of ties up a lot of loose ends and basically just sets the stage for Luffy against Doflamingo, but it’s kind of annoying since, y’know, this arc has been going on for some time and a lot of the subplots – like the Tontatta or Princess Mansherie or Kin’emon or, as cool as they were, Sabo and Big Mom’s men and Burgress – felt really redundant and kind of led nowhere and could’ve been their own little side-stories instead of bogging down this arc.

We get a bit of Zoro watching on his sword not having a scratch and flashbacking to his training with Mihawk regarding coating his swords with Haki, and how every one of Zoro’s swords can be a Kokutou (Black Sword, which is Mihawk’s sword) and gets him to train and being forbidden to drink alcohol until he masters it. The whole black Haki Sword is, I guess, is how Mihawk is just so damn awesome and why he has a black sword… I honestly have no idea if this has been planned since the beginning, but if it has, well…

We cut to some other characters. Fujitora apparently took care of the rest of Pica’s giant golem body which was something I wondered about last chapter, and other people react to Zoro’s awesomeness. I think Bartolomeo just fangasms himself to death. Also, the Tontatta blew up the factory, which is nice progression because the last thing we needed was another chapter starring the bloody Tontatta. Trebol is just yammering about how Mansherie (or however you spell her name) can just restore the factory, while Mansherie and the other Tontatta catch up with Robin, Rebecca and Kyros and talk a bit about Mansherie’s healing powers.

Also, apparently Koala and Sabo are heading up to the castle, so Sabo I guess is going to, or at least trying to, fight Doflamingo? I dunno, as much as I want to see Sabo do something, I want Doflamingo to fall to Luffy and/or Law. Preferably Law.

And apparently in the time that Zoro, Kyros, Franky and the rest took out their opponents, another battle has been decided. Thanks to Viola, we know that Bellamy has been taken out, with his face caved into the shape of Luffy’s fist just like their first battle. We then get a flashback of their fight, which, again, ended like their first battle with Luffy delivering a fucking epic punch to Bellamy and driving his head into the ground. I thought I liked where they went with Bellamy’s characterization, how the obvious ‘he’s going to change sides because his boss is evil’ trope actually gets subverted… I liked that fact, and I liked how Bellamy is all ‘he’s scum but I’m scum too’ and all that, but I thought the way it played out was rather disjointed thanks to the large gaps inbetween scenes of seeing Bellamy.

At least the next chapter will be Luffy vs. Doflamingo, no holds barred… because apparently Doflamingo claims to have killed Law. Well. Fuck that, if that happened, although if Law actually did die, I’m sure he’ll be fine. Mansherie’s devil fruit or even Law’s on can probably get him back. I just want to get to the final fight already and see the aftermath of this mammoth arc.

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