Wednesday 4 May 2016

One Piece 825 Review: Sanji's Brother

One Piece, Chapter 825: 'The WE Times' Comic Strip

Also a bit of a slower chapter, but unlike Bleach and Toriko, this one is still quite solid. It's a departure from the previous, like, seven or eight One Piece chapters filled with a crapton of revelations and content, this one is slower and just gets through the motions of Team Sanji and Team Luffy approaching Big Mom's area of operations.

The titular WE (World Economic) Times is apparently referring to a comic strip that ran in a newspaper featuring this character Sora who can walk on water and fights the armies of Germa 66 with his robot and seagull friends. I'm not sure how relevant this offhand mention of a comic strip is. It seemed way too random to be just a fun tidbit, so I'm inclined to believe that there is a real-life Sora hanging out in the One Piece world somewhere. Vito mentions that it might just be propaganda for children to like marines, but Vito himself was always so happy to root for Germa 66 while reading those comics. 

Sanji isn't happy being lumped in with this whole Germa 66 thing, and Vito just keeps following him and talking about the organization and repeating stuff we already know about his upcoming marriage and the organizations fusing together. It's interesting how Vito seemed to have more screentime lately than Capone Bege himself, but hey. We are introduced to another member of Capone's crew, Gotti, who's this big dude twice the height of Vito and Sanji, with a chunky gatling gun as a right arm. Gotti is just all angry about Sanji mouthing off to Vito, and while I expected Sanji to just boot him in the face, Lola shows up! Or, well, either Lola's sister or Lola had a haircut. It's unmistakably similar to Lola, though IIRC we saw her in one of the cover stories and she's in Water 7 with Franky's square-haired sisters. 

Yeah, literally everyone guessed Lola was Big Mom's daughter, and now we have some kind of a confirmation. NotLola scares Gotti off to submission. What's interesting is that NotLola warns Gotti about harming Sanji because 'if you put so much as a scratch on him, they'll ice Father!' Where the word 'Father' is written with the kanji for boss. Meaning Capone? Is NotLola a member of Capone's crew? Or is she married to Capone, which would be weird as hell... or is she talking about Big Mom, and she's worried that Germa 66 would kill Big Mom if Sanji is harmed? Huh. Weird.

We get a bit of a comedic moment with the Straw Hats on the Thousand Sunny being parched and starved, with Luffy cracking a hilarious joke about using Chopper as emergency food rations. Some random bit with a poisoned fish later (which ran a bit too long) they arrive into Big Mom's territory, which is marked with cotton candy snow much to the delight of Chopper. Luffy's kinda out of it because he consumed so much of the poison fish, but immunity thanks to the Magellan fight meant that, well, he's not going to die. Incapacitated, though, which could be problematic. Pekoms explains that Big Mom's territory is patrolled with Territorial Sea Slugs, which are, well, sea slugs with radars strapped onto their backs. 

Pekoms thinks that they've reached Big Mom's Tart-Ship... but it turns out to be a big snail-headed ship from Germa 66... led by a hooded man with Sanji's eyebrow. Sanji's brother confirmed! And, well, Luffy is out of the loop thanks to the poisoned fish. Finally Germa 66 shows up, and I'm really interested in seeing just what their big deal is.

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