Friday 27 May 2016

Toriko 372 Review: Bishokukai Reunion

Toriko, Chapter 372: Their Battles

Oh, no Bleach review this week. Literally can't find anything important to say about it, considering it has exactly no new content whatsoever. 

The first half of the chapter is just basically God being your standard Toriko-level of insanity, launching his tongue out so far that it circled the Earth once and latched onto his own back, before just consuming everything without gaining mass. Zebra tells the information on how to cook god to Ootake or whatever Komatsu's friend is called, who I really don't care -- really would've been better if this was Komatsu or Setsuno or Starjun or Jiji or someone that people remotely care about.

Sunny, Zebra and Coco hold back Joie from going to god, Sunny unleashing his Satan Hair. Meanwhile, out of the Tokage goop, the ones that came out are the Bishokukai head chefs Dores, Kuromado and Niceny, who looked like they were going to be major, big players back when the Bishokukai were being built up as the main villains... and then utterly thrown aside. Maybe in an ideal world these named Bishokukai head chefs and whatever that went to Neo would be arc villains... but, well, it's not an ideal world, and as cool as it is to see Kuromado show up again I find it hard to really care about him or the other two, who theoretically should be stronger than Starjun.

Sunny's Satan Hair vomits out Tommyrod -- which we actually have been foreshadowed what with Tommyrod showing up in Sunny's hair all the time -- and then Grinpatch just, well, flies in, summoned by Sunny's poison. Um. Okay. I don't care, though, because I've been waiting for Grinpatch and Tommyrod to come back since forever. So it's Bishokukai versus Bishokukai, which really interests me a lot more than the Neo or God fights.

Joie versus the non-Toriko kings is pretty fun too, I must say, with Joie's Cinderella blasts being nearly blocked completely by Satan Hair... which is a feat Sunny shouldn't be ashamed of, considering Setsuno and Jirou had trouble with those. Zebra's Voice Cutter and Coco's Mold Spear end up forcing Joie to take the fight seriously. 

Meanwhile, Toriko seems to have brought Acacia-Neo down on his back, but really we know that it's not that easy. After some random talky bits about gourmet eras and whatnot, Neo just eats the brunt of Toriko's punch before going on to say that the moment when victory becomes despair is the tastiest thing ever. So, um, yeah, third demon next chapter? It's a lot more interesting now that we're going into fights with characters we actually care about instead of just setting up things endlessly, so it's definitely more entertaining than before. Plus, y'know, the Bishokukai reunion made me smile.

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