Friday 27 May 2016

One Piece 827 Review: Wonderland

One Piece, Chapter 827: Totland

More world-building fluff, though it still is a pretty entertaining chapter. Basically, Pekoms pretends to have captured the Straw Hats' ship so the whole group can land at one of Big Mom's mini-island things. We get a bit of Pekoms explaining how Big Mom's empire stretches out in a series of smaller islands around Whole Cake Island, with each island apparently ruled by a chancellor of a certain sweet. The whole thing is called Totland. And, well, they find themselves in a city made entirely out of chocolate. Naturally, Luffy (and Chopper) eats... an entire cafe. They are nearly arrested, but ends up being bailed out by Pudding, who pretends that Luffy and Chopper were demolitionists instead of some random dudes that ate an entire cafe... and, well, apparently that's just how things roll in chocolate town. She's happy that Luffy and Chopper loved the chocolate house she made so much and all. Man, how can she not be perfect for Sanji? She's even a cook!

Pudding's accompanied by Nitro the Jell-o, a little blob that's apparently the owner of the shop, and Labiyan the flying carpet with a face. That's just a bunch of little fun fluff to set up this new location.

Apparently there are all sorts of races in Totland, including Minks (not quite sure if Nitro the Jell-o and Labiyan are new races or just people with Devil Fruits), one of which recognizes Pedro. Pedro tells the random fanboy to keep things quiet from 'the others'... so apparently Pedro isn't entirely an isolationist. Hmm, interesting. He goes all 'I'll tell you guys later' when questioned by Nami, so maybe Pedro might be involved with the Big Mom Pirates too?

There's, of course, the whole Wonderland vibe going on with the Totland sceneries, which has been a theme throughout the couple of times that we saw Big Mom's people. We see singing flowers and talking furnitures straight out of a Disney acid sequence... are these created by Big Mom's powers? We get a short little music number, and apparently Big Mom's people are butchering entire armies just to get ingredients for the Tea Party. Eggs! Flour! Fruits! Never has a shopping list been so bloody. We get our first full body shot of Big Mom and while the scene is fully fun with singing rainbows, clouds and trees and really the only horrible thing being the gonky Big Mom, the lines throw in stuff like "we'll use someone's blood!" and "tea party from the bowels of hell!" Oh, and Big Mom knows that Straw Hat has arrived...

Yeah, looking forward to how things will unfold, though I guarantee we'll get a couple of chapters just exploring Totland a bit. 


  1. I'm pretty sure Nitro and Lebiyan are like the flowers, the buildings, the mountains and that creepy-ass rainbow at the end.

    1. Yeah, probably Big Mom or one of her underlings' powers. Like how the living toys of Dressrosa were all the work of one person.
