Saturday 21 May 2016

One Piece 826 Review: Sanji's Siblings

One Piece, Chapter 826: 0 and 4

A bit of a slower chapter as we meet two of Sanji's siblings, and apparently that poison fish from last chapter was actually quasi-relevant to put Luffy in enough peril in order to show off Reiju's poison-sucking ability. Apparently Magellan doesn't include this particular poison-fish among his repertoire of poisons. Man, I miss Magellan. 

We meet two of Sanji's siblings here, his little brother Yonji (because Yon = 4, San = 3) and his older sister Reiju (Rei = 0). Yonji has Sanji's face, but is different in every other way. He dresses like a 60's superhero, and has a weird spiky hair, and is super-arrogant. He's also a lecher like Sanji when he sees Nami, though, so there's that one familial similarity. Is Sanji's family all like that? Yonji doesn't want to give Luffy the antidote, but Reiju kicks Yonji overboard -- confirming two things. One, kicking prowess runs in their family, and two, Yonji isn't a devil fruit user.

Also, they have shoes like the Trickster from DC comics that allows them to walk on air... which, in a world where literally anyone can learn the Rokushiki (which includes Geppo) isn't very impressive, honestly. But apparently Big Mom wants these technology? Also, Reiju's cleavage runs down all the way to her bellybutton and she's got a very short skirt and weird butterfly wings. She's got a... very interesting design.

Brook finally spills out what he knows about the Vinsmoke family, and apparently Sanji is a prince! The Vinsmoke used to be a dynasty of tyrannical royals that once ruled North Blue with an iron fist... but the dynasty has kind of petered out and they're now a nation with no home. They're still acknowledged enough to show up in the Reverie, which makes all that Reverie scenes even more relevant. 

Reiju kisses the dying Luffy in the mouth and sucks out not the poison (enough to kill a giant, apparently), but the rash even moves from Luffy's mouth to hers. She doesn't suffer a wee bit for doing it, though, referring to the poison as a delicacy. Something to do with her technology? Or is it just a devil fruit power?

Reiju tells the Straw Hats how the Germa family kind of confronted the Marines back when Sanji's first poster, with the Duval face, circulated, and it actually neatly ties in to why Duval was attacked by so many Marines -- the Germa 66 pulling strings to get 'Sanji' back is why that particular bit happened. There's a bit of a confrontation, with Luffy wanting Sanji back, Pekoms just hanging around and the Germa siblings unwavering in their want for having Sanji marry Big Mom's daughter.

Meanwhile, an eel fishman with a hella long ponytail (Aladdin, I think his name was?) is spying on the Straw Hats, reporting to Jinbe that Luffy is here. Well, we know that Fishman Island did have some problems with Big Mom before thanks to Luffy, so what he's doing here is a bit suspect. Maybe he'll just show up to join the crew in the most anticlimatic way ever? Eh. We'll see. It's gotten interesting enough without Jinbe thrown in, but it's about time that weird triangle-fish dude shows up again. I like Jinbe.

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