Saturday 25 August 2018

One Piece 915 Review: Sumo Wrestling

One Piece, Chapter 915: Bakura Town

Interesting bit of cover story this week, where the mysterious figure we saw last week ends up actually being Bellamy of all people, who's apparently retired and is now working on making ship flags or some shit. I'm 99% sure Bellamy never actually exchanged sake cups with Luffy, so he's... he's truly a 'self-proclaimed' member of the Straw Hat Grand Fleet? It's interesting, if nothing else, since I do have a fair bit more of an attachment to Bellamy compared to someone like, oh, I dunno, Orlumbus or whatever. Curious to see how he's going to join the Straw Hat fleet in a more official or permanent fashion, honestly. Still don't think Bellamy's heel-face-turn was done particularly well, although I guess Luffy defending Bellamy's honour from Doflamingo did strike a huge chord with the dude. 

In the main story, we meet up with the great sumo Yokozuna, the dude that tries to propose to Kiku last chapter, and he's just obsessed with the desire of making Kiku his wife. He's eating alongside another Gifter, "Mouseman", who tells Yokozuna to make use social position granted by his samurai status and take her by force. Yokozuna, showing that he's thoroughly reprehensible, decides that this is a good idea, that he's going to burn down her house if needed be, and demands to eat the restaurant owner's raccoon dog for good measure. If it's not clear -- hate this guy! He eats people's pets! What an asshole. 

Meanwhile, Tama is brought back to the Headliner called Holdem, who is...  a dude that's genuinely a fucking weird fucker, a weird-ass dude with a lion on his crotch. And the lion has a mind of its own, and when angry, punches Holdem in the balls. But they both feel the pain. I dunno. This feels like a bit way too crass for One Piece's standards? I'm definitely not a huge fan of this character or the concept behind him. He''s at least unique, if nothing else. Curious if that power can actually be used to fight or not, though. Also curious if this is low-key a hint to how artificial devil fruits work, or just a simple joke at this guy ends up with a lion-dick as opposed to other artificial devil fruit users. 

Holdem also basically wants to know how Tama is able to control animals, and wants to make that power belong to the Kaidou Pirates... and Holdem knows enough that Tama is a devil fruit user, and wants to get some pliers to rip off chunks from her cheek. So it's not just mochi powers, but mochi that causes animals to befriend her? Interesting. 

Meanwhile, Luffy, Zoro and Kiku arrive n Bakura Town in search for Tama, Luffy knocks some guys out with Haki, and we see Yokozuna Urashima ("Yokozuna" is a rank, and Urashima is likely a reference to Japanese folktale Urashima Taro) basically sort of beating other sumo wrestlers and stuff, and thinking that Kiku arrived in town to see him. And then Kiku slices of Yokozuna's topknot, so if nothing else, we're getting another fighting girl, and hopefully not one that gets reduced into a crybaby like Rebecca was during Dresrossa. It's interesting to note that it appears that the huge plot this time around is the whole social class debate, and that that is going to be the big thing that our heroes are going to fight. Overall, I found this chapter of the Wano-kuni arc to be somewhat more coherent and interesting compared to many of the previous ones. I guess I'm just getting into the groove of Wano more now that it's more clear where the story's headed? Eh. 

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