Saturday 25 June 2016

Nanatsu no Taizai 179-180 Review: Homaging the First Chapter

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 179: Pursuit of Hope

We get more scenes of King Arthur in this chapter, slaying the grey demons, and it's cool. I think I've gone on record many, many times noting how absolutely under-utilized Arthur has been in this manga after his first big dramatic entry, being absolutely overshadowed by everyone else. Apparently Nobunaga Nanashi the samurai knows what's up with Arthur's cat and that Arthur can't die if the cat's around...? His weird Digimon-esque cat who I'm going to call Nyaromon until he gets a proper name, that randomly speaks in this chapter.

We cut away to another member of the Weird Fangs, Golgius, who's running around from the crazy peasants that want to feed him to the demons. He's just lamenting how much of a failure of a Holy Knight he has been, before a giant 'monster' in the fog shows up. This, of course, is the Boar's Hat, and he wakes up already nursed to health.

Man, it's a good thing we get a second chapter this week. It's a nice little set-uppy chapter that works well as a two-parter but I'll be pissed if that was all we got.

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 180: Wandering Knight

We get a nice homage to Nanatsu no Taizai's first chapter, with Elizabeth standing in for Meliodas, being the quirky host of the Boar's Inn, with random patrons who are bored to death of all the messy political war going on in Britannia hanging out. There are rumours of a mysterious wandering knight, who turns out to be someone we didn't expect (Zaratras, who we see at the end of this chapter, which raises a whole load of questions), but it isn't a full-on 100% homage, which is cool.

Golgius is hostile as soon as Hawk notes that they knew his true identity, but apparently Elizabeth and Hawk just took him in just because he's hurting, and he suddenly acts like a dick before leaving, because he just feels like he doesn't deserve such kindness despite being such a villain. Man, who would've thought I would sympathize for the Weird Fangs so much?

Also, Meliodas's corpse is sleeping in a bed in the Boar's Hat. Apparently Elizabeth's druidic magic didn't work. Oh well. Maybe Zaratras can do something?

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