Friday 17 June 2016

Toriko 375 Review: Eight Kings Wooo

Toriko, Chapter 375: They Are Rushing

We get a bit with Ootake or whoever Komatsu's buddy's real name is going into god's body and sees some metaphysical DNA and timeline of flavours or some shit like that. I don't care. Joie and Starjun continue to face off, and apparently Starjun's question last chapter wasn't a badass boast, but an actual question. We get a bit of a cool faceoff as Starjun proves himself awesome enough to keep up pace with Joie's silly '0.1 seconds' thing, dodging Joie's Satan Minces and attacking with fiery blades and whatnot. Apparently that's the power of his third eye? Some talk about fate and youth and whatever that I honestly glazed over. 

Meanwhile, Toriko's two oni are just giving the Blue Nitro a run for their money. Red Oni tiny explosions running across his punching arm courtesy of Pair, and apparently he can't unleash his full strength without eating god and center. Blue Oni has no such problems, though, using Devil Knife to literally cut a chunk through the Earth itself, and did he cut off half of Atom's face, or if that's just a weird angle? Meanwhile, god is trying to eat Acacia/Neo and forces the weird tumour monster to hop-hop-hop backwards. Neo is about to eat god's big tongue, but suddenly a huge blast zooms in and even manages to knock Neo back for a bit. It's a blast that tore through the planet...

And yes, it's Horse King Heracles, and even Neo/Acacia is freaking the fuck out at this sight. With him Bambina shows up and like the awesome motherfucker that he is, gives that annoying tumour-face Acacia a walloping. Apparently the other Eight Kings have likewise assembled. Maybe except Moon on account of him being a moon whale, but still.

This does mean that, oh, I dunno, Neo might just eat them all? Neo's the final boss, after all, and Toriko has to beat him. But on the other hand, I don't want to see the Eight Kings die! It's like that moment in Naruto where Might Guy faces off against (alleged) final boss Madara Uchiha, and I'm like 'holy shit, Guy is awesome!' and when he gets the chance to actually wound the final boss it looks awesome, but then since it's a Shonen it must be the main character that does it. It's the same thing with Don Slime and Jirou's respective fights against Neo too, and this predictability is honestly a bit boring. 

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