But first, some honourable mentions of things that I dislike but don't hate quite enough to put on this list, mostly due to simply looking dumb and stupid. Though visual appearances alone isn't quite enough to make me hate something, it's enough to make me dislike it whenever it crops up... Beeheyem. Aromatisse. Beartric. Smeargle. Tyrogue. The entire Klink line. Clefairy. Lickilicky. Rhyperior. Electivire. Meloetta. White-Kyurem and Black-Kyurem. Probopass. Diggersby. (Those last two at least are meant to be ugly)
So, anyway, with that out of the way, here's my top ten least favourites, from the one I dislike the least to the one I want to shoot in the head with a shotgun fifteen times if I see it in real life.

Well, I don't hate on the idea of garbage being sentient. Golems made of refuse has always been a part of numerous fantasy lore and ultimately one of the biggest inspirations for Pokemon are fantasies of all sorts. And the Trubbish/Garbodor line kind of made sense, considering Generation I starred two evolutionary lines of pure-Poison types based on pollution -- Grimer/Muk and Koffing/Weezing, representing liquid pollution and air pollution respectively. Garbodor and Trubbish were born of land pollution. And, well, really, why do I dislike Garbodor so, when I really like Muk and Koffing? Muk is just a pile of purple goop!
Well, Garbodor is just... ugly as all hell. You can quote me on saying that I think Trubbish is cute the way things like Dunsparce and Stunfisk and Aipom can be considered cute. Trubbish is a nice, simple design! It's a tied-up trash bag that waddles along with its trash feet and arms that are made up of waste. Garbodor? Garbodor's just ugly. From the ripped-up trash bag to its bwaaaa mouth to his asymmetrical tentacle-arms that just out from different heights, to his weird toilet-roll fingers, to his big fat belly that looks more like dirty ice-cream than actual refuse... Garbodor just sits on that awkward place where he would've looked better if he was designed more to make his 'walking landfill' concept more apparent, or if he was designed simpler to make him look less ugly.
Plus, Garbodors are hella annoying to fight, in addition to being ugly. Some poison types have had a history of being annoying tanky shits that have a move or two that can hit particularly hard -- Muk, Weezing, Skuntank -- but Garbodor is just annoying, standing there and launching all sorts of gunk and sludge your way. Not enough of a threat to really consider using, but annoying enough to take a fairly long time to murder.
Man, that was a lot of words for a pile of walking garbage.

Aipom is a fairly inoffensive creature. Based on monkeys whose tail acted as a third arm, it's a funny and dumb-looking thing that you don't really think much of. It had a pretty major role as Gold's main Pokemon in Pokemon Adventures, but other than that it isn't a very memorable creature. Well, giving it an evolution should fix it, right? And Ambipom's concept is decent. Give the monkey with a tail-arm... a second tail-arm! Except that's not all that they changed. The tail-fingers turned oddly pointy and the tail-arm became spherical like a cow's udder. Ambipom has this annoying weird... thing on his nose, and what the hell is that haircut? The random bug antennae and the stupid Rock Lee bowl cut just made the ugly-but-cute Aipom look... like a total doofus. It tries way too hard to add things onto the design like those ass-tufts and nose-thing and the Rock Lee haircut that it ends up being one of the most ridiculously moronic things. And, yeah, this thing annoys me a lot more than the fucking garbage bag.
And what really annoys me? Ambipom really likes to show up in Wi-Fi battles, with STAB Technician-boosted Fake Outs dealing a crapton of damage before it does a bunch of weird shit to screw my team. All the while it's smiling like a damned douchehole.

7. Gurdurr: I have no problem with Timburr, who is just your generic ambiguous-humanoid-animal Pokemon, or Conkeldurr, who looks sort of badass with those two giant pillars. Yes, the entire line are obvious copy-pastes of the Machop/Machoke/Machamp line, except with construction workers instead of wrestlers. No, they won't win the top ten creative designs of Generation V, but there are worse designs, and occupational-based Pokemon has been around since forever. But Gurdurr? In addition to having a head that looks like an afro-shaped tumour, an inexplicable clown-nose which is made more prominent here since Gurdurr's head is round, a weirdly tiny waist and giant blobs of muscle-arms that look deformed as hell? And those weird pink... things... are those supposed to be veins? Then what are the weird lifesaver things on his armpits? And who in Nintendo really thought 'Gurdurr' was a good enough name, like, seriously? This thing is utterly stupid on so many levels. It's just ugly, it doesn't make sense, and there isn't any kind of cultural explanation to why a construction worker would look like this deformed Physics-defying broccoli-headed dude.

And it really got worse when you realize that, hey, Hypno's lore all kind of reference pedophilia, or at least child kidnapping. While the concept of using hypnotism to put 'prey' to sleep so he can eat his dreams is a decent concept for a C-list creature, at least two of Hypno's in-game Pokedex entries reference him kidnapping children, and there are at least several other secondary guidebooks or whatever that reference this. And Hypno's most prominent role in the main series games? Attack a secluded, terrified child in Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen. Man, if the player character hadn't gotten to her rescue in time... Her dialogue before the player rescued her was that Hypno 'kept scaring her', meaning that it's not just doing it out of a sense of territoriality, but actually relishing in the poor little girl's fear. The fact that he looks, like, y'know, a freaking naked man with those shifty eyes doesn't help either. It's no surprise Hypno is a subject of many creepy-pastas and Pokemon-based horror stories and the most disturbing Rule 34 shit ever, because look at this fucker! It's not only stupid, it's also borderline offensive.

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We have gone several generations since Generation II, and after several punctuation mark Unowns were added into the game in Generation III, the only real purpose of the Unown seems to be nothing but to add an annoying side-quest for you to catch 26 of these ugly eyeballs that end up giving you no function other than to spell out profanities in your Pokeboxes. The concept is really cool, but the fact that we've waited close to twenty years with jack shit of a payoff on this particular story means that, well, Unown ends up being just shit. Just give them more moves or, hell, some actual lore significance other than just having their mysteries hinted at and never explored. Or just give us an amalgamation evolution or some shit like that. They're just a giant disappointment.

Why do I hate these guys? Well, simply it's because they're just so damned uncreative. Previous elemental trios or duos like the starters or the Eeveelutions or legendary trios at least vary their looks. These are just identical designs just with differently shaped fur... and it's not like we haven't done this concept before either. The Chimchar line is a far, far more well-realized and far cooler fire monkey line than Simisear can ever hope to be. Hell, even Ambipom looks so much better than these three idiots. Simisage is the only one out of the bunch that even looks decent at all, with that weird punk look to him, but Simisear and Simipour are just ugly as sin. Simisear looks like an anvil just dropped on him and he's just recovering it all Looney-Tunes style. And look at him! He just looks derpy and ugly as all hell. Simipour has the worst hairdo in all of anime, needs to find some pants and just looks ugly in general. And the Pans? The Pans are just uncreative, ugly shits.
To top it off, none of these three are even any good in combat. They are just annoying-looking shits with annoying cries, ugly designs and just there to pad out the Unova Pokedex even more... when, really, Unova already has enough good material to work with even without adding these shameful ugly shits into it.

1. Bouffalant: My least favourite Pokemon is also from Generation V, which really makes me look like I am just dripping hatred for the generation. I'm not! I love Generation V. It had some of the best and most creative Pokemon designs out there, and I can wax lyrical about how a lot of Pokemon in Generation V finally found a nice balance between complexity and simplicity. But in-between all the Pokemon of Generation V there is this big pile of bull shit. Bouffalant is a rare Normal-type Pokemon based on a bull (buffalo, bull, whatever) that hits like a gigantic truck and is rare to find. GUESS WHAT? We had Tauros. Tauros was not the most creative of Pokemon, being a glorified rampaging bull with three tails and a bunch of extra dots on its head, but Bouffalant? Look at this utterly ugly piece of shit! Who thinks about putting an afro on a cow and go 'hmm, yeah, that's like, the coolest thing ever!' And those stupid rings on its horns, what the hell? Tauros was already uncreative enough by slapping two extra tails, but Bouffalant slaps on an afro and calls it a day. It looks stupid, it really looks like an April's Fools Joke, and... and it still hits like a truck! A stupid-looking truck.
Bouffalant is one of the signature Pokemon of Generation V's true champion, Alder... but honestly I want to ignore that and just consider Alder's champion as his Volcarona. Or, hell, his Vanniluxe, which is a helluva less ugly than this half-assed design. The fact that, oh, I dunno, he's actually pretty powerful and can wipe out unprepared teams thanks to being a tank of a Normal-type isn't a joke. And being wiped out by the champion's afro-cow is certainly a lot more annoying and irritating than losing to, say, a Dragonite or a Garchomp or a Volcarona or a Gardevoir. Fuck this cow. Fuck it. Fuck every single time I encountered it. He also sometimes shows up in like Wi-Fi battles or whatever and, oh, it's just ugly, it's actually powerful and there's no way in hell I am happy after being beaten by this misbegotten conglomeration of laziness and bad ideas.
So, um, yeah. Top ten least favourite Pokemon! I cursed a lot more than I thought I would. (Fuck Bouffalant) Next top ten list will be a lot less curse-y.
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