Friday 24 February 2017

Boku no Hero Academia 128 Review: Internship

My Hero Academia, Chapter 128: Boy Meets...

Pretty decent chapter, even if for some reason some of the artwork here isn't finished. In addition to some sketchy panels (and some panels where a couple of characters are sketchy) mouths keep going missing in this chapter. It's not that big of a deal, because a good part of the sketches and rough shading are done -- it doesn't get quite as bad as some Hunter x Hunter chapters where it's nigh-impossible to follow what the shit's going on -- so yeah, not a super-big deal. 

Anyway, Midoriya gets accepted as Nighteye's new intern. There's a bit where Nighteye's powers are shown to be really powerful as Midoriya flirts around with how to get past his Foresight ability within a minute, all the while Nighteye's mocking him and it's awesome. The dude's just so awesome in general. He calls Midoriya's bouncing around a Gran Tourino ripoff, easily gets past his increased speed and his attempt to confuse his vision by throwing lots of books in his face. Nighteye keeps talking about how All Might's vision and lack of worry and doubt are all not expressed in Midoriya's actions. 

Midoriya then crash-lands into a wall and Nighteye calls him out on crashing and burning after a single attempt, noting his lack of adaptability... and then Midoriya says about how he doesn't want to hit an All Might 10th Anniversary tapestry and d'awww. Nighteye isn't impressed by the fact that Midoriya is a fellow fanboy, but rather by his ability to dodge and bounce around like Gran Tourino, taking on all the emotional baiting and still be able to consider things like strategy and surroundings. 

Nighteye accepts Midoriya in, but notes, with full hostility, how he still doesn't acknowledge Midoriya as All Might's successor, noting that people want a dazzling symbol and he will make Midoriya realize that it's not him, no matter what All Might thinks. Midoriya notes that Nighteye is hiring him with the purpose of making him give up, which is a very interesting dynamic -- Midoriya wants to learn from Nighteye, and Nigtheye isn't enough of a dick to not acknowledge Midoriya's guts but he's still not acknowledged Midoriya as All Might's successor yet. 

We cut off to the next day where their small group, now with Midoriya in tow, investigate a group of villains called the Eightfold Cleaners... which is Overhaul's group, and we learn Overhaul's real name: Chisaki. Bubble Girl even notes that they know that Overhaul's Cleaners made contact with the Villain Alliance, but no detail of their meeting really came out. Also that they have no real evidence that the Cleaners are behind any real criminal activity.

Also we get to see Mirio in costume and it's a gloriously doofy-looking one. 

Mirio and Midoriya get bumped into by a little girl with bandaged arms and a single horn... which I'm not sure if it should mean something, if there's someone I'm forgetting who also has a single horn. The kid's called Eri, and immediately Overhaul walks up to them, not acting villainous (as much as a dude in a bomber jacket and a plague mask can not look villainous, anyway), telling the little girl off for causing trouble to a superhero and asking her to come back. 

Who the fuck's Eri? There was a little midget in a plague doctor mask during the fight with the Villain Alliance, is that her? Or is she part of Overhaul's mysterious master-plan? Or is she just her sister or kid or something? What's Midoriya going to do with Overhaul? At least we're not wasting time with these confrontations, eh?

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