Saturday 4 February 2017

Fairy Tail 520 Review: Vote!

Fairy Tail, Chapter 520: Dragon or Demon

Eileen's dead.Apparently her dying reverses Universe One, which I totally forgot was a thing. Something something Erza Wendy Makarov's death. There's a long scene about Natsu and Mental!Igneel talking about one thing or another in their mental mind, and Igneel tells Natsu to choose the demon core or the dragon core. Natsu is all like "huh? But I'm human!" and it's treated like some kind of huge revelationary thing despite this identity conflict never ever coming into play before. Somehow Natsu still keeps his fire dragon slayer powers, despite not having his dragon core? Eh. Natsu wakes up. Awkward naked titty time with Lucy (Natsu wears pants, but Lucy's buck-naked because logic -- seriously, though, I've seen porn with more plot than Tairy Fail has in the past few months), then some tired repeated line or other.

I don't give a shit about this. It's honestly not even an entertaining manga to review anymore -- the Eileen stuff from before just burnt me out, and the 100 or so chapters before that isn't even good. It's not even like Naruto or Bleach's long and drawn-out finale, where there are actual gems of quality in-between the bad parts.  So yeah, this is more of a PSA: I'm dropping Fairy Tail from my regular weekly review schedule. There's a poll on the top right. Vote there to see what quality manga is going to replace Fairy Tail. Or maybe you have your own suggestions. Leave it in the comment section below.

Because, shit, I can think of so many better things I could do with my life instead of reading this bullshit.


  1. Since this will be the last review I will put my last thoughts on this chapter here. I don't blame you I only read Fairy tail for two reasons. One I think reading something bad will help me be a better writer by avoiding terrible storytelling. and I am read it ironically.

    So Ezra laments her mother death because She had that deep connection to a woman she just met. Wendy cries because she just learns that Markov is dead. That would mean something if Maroko wasn't a poorly used character. Then we get the conclusion to the Natsu internal strive, and I am thoroughly confused now. Is this Ingeel, a piece of the real Ingeel, or is Natsu mind guide thing. Ingeel tells Natsu to pick between Demon seed or Dragon Seed...Natsu picks neither because of "he is human." What? Okay, what I am supposed to gather is Natsu is being made to choose between the path of Demon or the Path of a dragon and decides to forge a third path of a human.

    The symbolism of the seeds breaking apart is weird. What I thought Hiro was going to do is Natsu would have to take from both pools to grow as a person. Saying he is human is this weird non-answer that sounds deeper than it is. Natsu being a demon or Dragon has never been a question. Ingeel stops the growth of Dragon seed so Natsu would be Human without having to worry about turning into a dragon. This has never been a issue or even implied to be one.

    Natsu powers like everyone in fairy tail. Are just an extension of him of who he is. So him having dragonslayer magic that his loving father taught him is just how that goes. And however misguided his loving brother Zeref actions are it was because of those actions that unfortunately Natsu could be alive. This whole feel like Hiro went in a complete circle and did nothing for Natsu's character.

    I wonder which was worst Hiro's introspective exploration of Natsu's character or Kubo's introspective exploration of Ichigo's character.

    Oh and Universe One get canceled out... That was completely pointless the most that was achieved is Marokov that nonthreat is dead. Mavis is not in Zeref control, Fairy Tail did not lose anyone of worth, if anything the shrinking made it easier for the guild to get back together. Acngolgia getting sent away is only thing that was done

    1. "Introspective exploration of Natsu's character"? Hardly. There's honestly no exploration of Natsu's character involved, just some characters saying all sorts of cryptic shit, and then Natsu saying dumb shit, and then the plot goes on. As bad as Bleach can get sometimes, at least it still tries to do something about its main character's personality.

      Also I don't think it's actual symbolism, just the author being dumb and going 'yep, let's solve this problem that popped out of my ass'.

      Fully agreed that Makarov was shit, and has been shit ever since the end of the Tartaros arc.

    2. I think Natsu losing his two seeds might be literal.....guy should check if there's anything left between his two legs just to be sure.

  2. Well , it was funny for the time where it lasted .an by "funny" , i mean in a ironic ways ( and the only way ).

    And for a totaly different dicusions , what do you think of the state of black clover for the moment ? for me , i believe the plot move a little too fast.

    Oh , and for the chapter , i will make just tree observation :
    -pointless drama with natsu
    -erza can beat one of the strongest of they guy but not their fodders ( with gildarts with her ) , makink makarov dead is literral joke .
    -and for the end , i believe that WWI french general were millitary genius compare too zeref and his general ( and yes , theirs were idiot disconnect of reality ) .

    1. Haven't touched Black Clover in months, to be honest. The last chapter I read was, like, in October or something, when the group just arrived at the water temple.

  3. That's right Blackjack! You must make a choice, to give up your sanity to continue reading Fairy Tail or burn up in the process before it ends. And it seems you picked the 3rd option as well and bailed LOL!

    I wouldn't suggest a manga but I would like to see you review the Avengers cartoon, Earth's Mightiest Heroes. That's good shit IMO.

    1. Just to point out, but he didn't say he was giving up the series completely, Ryo. Just that he's dropping it from his *weekly* schedule - he'll probably give a post-mortem of the final arc when the series itself is over and done with, or do a brush-over every 20-30 chaps so as to get through it all in one go like pulling a band-aid rather then slogging through it. Either way, it's unlikely this is the last time FT gets looked at.

      Just a fair warning.

    2. RE: Avengers... it's actually on my list of things to watch, but then DC went and made a new Justice League cartoon, and, well, you can't betray your roots -- I'm going to review Justice League Action whenever I get the chance to catch up with it, and then maybe if I'm not reviewing like several other TV shows at once I'll talk about Avengers: EMH.

      Just don't expect particularly verbose Easter Egg Corners, though -- I love the Marvel comics, don't get me wrong, but I'm not particularly well-versed in them unlike how I am with DC.

    3. Earth's Mightiest Heroes is probably the best recent marvel cartoon I can say. It was a pleasant surprise since DC beats Marvel in animation by a long shot.

  4. So I’m guessing it’s back to the occasional look-over rather then a weekly review, eh? Understandable - why carry the wound on a weekly basis when you can just wait for it to finish and then just rip it all off at once?

    Anyway, with the chap itself… like last time, there’s not a ton to go over. As usual, the main character takes a completely third option and somehow loses nothing as a result (think the cores shattering represented the choice to lose either one being refused rather then him losing either the two, like they stabilized so he keeps both? IDK - its not clear or well-defined and I doubt it ever will be). Pointless fan-service, as usual, pointless sense of mourning as usual, etc.

    The only “big” thing to gripe about for me was Eileen’s death reversing Universe One and splitting the FT guild back across Fiore - it just feels a really, really shoehorned way to prolong the series’ end; Natsu could have just gone up to Zeref and ended things, but now we’ll have to probably deal with another 50+ chaps of the Guilds and Alvaraz regrouping for yet another “final clash”. And if not, then it just means Universe One in general was pointless to begin with from start to end.

    1. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see. I honestly don't think I care enough even to talk a lot if/when it ended, but then I'm probably obliged to at least point a finger and laugh.

      My biggest problem isn't just the fact that he gets to choose an unambiguously good choice without sacrificing anything, it's the fact that the story randomly went from "OMG you're dying from a demonic tumour" to "hey, choose between your three races despite never having any identity issues before if at all!" That's the equivalent to me going "oh no, I ran out of milk" and ending up with the conclusion that "I have two hands therefore I am not a raccoon."

      Universe One IS pointless. So is Eileen walking up to Acnologia and setting it off. So is Acnologia too, by the way, for the past 50+ arc. You turn into a fucking giant dragon, man. What are you doing all this while?

    2. Well, it's more like an "I've come this far already, may as well finish it once it's out" thought of mind. Than again, like you said, at least Bleach, Toriko and Naruto still each had something entertaining about it. Hell, not even saying you have to review each chapter - just that you might spotlight how the series finally ended.

      With Acnologia.... well, if I were a clever writer, I'd say "waiting for everyone to wear each-other out and make my job easier"... but since that goes against what little is established of Acnologia's character and this is Hiro Mashima we're talking about, the writer probably just can't think of any situation for Acnologia be present in that his characters can actually win in. Not that said boundary ever stopped him before, though, so IDK XD

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