

Despite this, though, Tokomon's as sweet as Patamon is in the anime, and not a gibbering angry beast like its appearance would make you think it is. A different Tokomon was also the star of the (frankly quite confusing) X-Evolution standalone CGI movie.

Patamon was one of the original seven partner Digimon in Adventure, partnered to the youngest kid of the group, Takaishi Takeru (T.K. in the dub, which they think is easier to say than Takeru?), younger brother to Yamato. If you notice that they don't have the same surnames, you're right! Divorced parents and split-up siblings are a theme explored in this Saturday morning cartoon. Thanks to Takeru's younger age, Patamon himself doesn't get to do a lot of fighting until well halfway through the series, and thus Patamon spends the longest amount of screentime as his Child-stage. I don't think Patamon really does a lot beyond being a cute companion to Takeru, mirroring his partner's young naivety. Patamon and Takeru would also be one of the main characters in Adventure's sequel, 02, as well as one of the partner Digimon to get the most screentime in Tri. Patamon's cute! He's this orange fat guinea pig/hamster thing with ears that extend into bat-wings -- although apparently Patamon's wings are shit for actually flying quickly. Patamon's main way of attacking is to inflate himself and then unleash a ball of compressed air.
But Patamon's pretty damn cute, and it's easy to see why he was assigned to the youngest member of the team as the 'cute' one. Out of the original seven partner Digimon in the cartoon, Patamon is certainly the most obviously 'cute' one. Anyway, I like Patamon a lot. He's cute.


Angemon's hands-down one of the most powerful Adult-level Digimon thanks to the anime, and Angemon has even been shown to hold his own against some Perfect-level Digimon in Adventure. In battle, he fights with a big-ass golden rod that sometimes gets converted into energy around Angemon's knuckle so he can one-punch things with all the fury of the heavens. Sadly, while Angemon will always hold a special place in my heart due to his role in Digimon Adventure, in subsequent series he's definitely been a lot degraded, treated as servants or minions of 'greater angel' Digimon, one of which is going to be a Patamon's Ultimate evolution that we cover below.
(We'll cover Patamon's new evolution in 02, Pegasmon, when we get to the armour evolutions since I feel those could end up being a theme of their own)

HolyAngemon (a.k.a. MagnaAngemon)

HolyAngemon's official Bandai profile would note that HolyAngemon swaps around between his "Priest Mode" and "Battle Mode", depending on when it is required, so the idea of a holy priest that turns into a lightsaber warrior is actually not bad. "Priest Mode" seems to be HolyAngemon's robed appearance in the V-Tamers manga, but that form hasn't really been seen anywhere outside of that. HolyAngemon's main attack isn't just to use his lightsaber (called Excalibur, apparently) to stab people, but to create a interdimensional portal to suck villains in and seal them
HolyAngemon is also the last Perfect-level Digimon to be introduced in the Adventure series, appearing in the third-to-last episode where Takeru is literally the last hope to fight one of the final villains of the series, Piemon. Just like Angemon curb-stomping Devimon, HolyAngemon would absolutely curb-stomp Piemon. He wouldn't be quite as badass in 02, but still got some decent fight scenes here and there. Overall, I'm a lot less enamoured with HolyAngemon, and if we're going with design alone he'd easily score pretty low. But he does have a lightsaber, and had a couple of cool scenes in the anime.

Seraphimon (a.k.a. Seraphymon)
While none of the original partner Digimon ever made it past Perfect-stage in Adventure, Patamon ended up being given an Ultimate form in 2000, in the non-serial movie "Digimon Hurricane Touchdown". Patamon's Ultimate evolution, Seraphimon, appears for all of ten seconds before some plot device or other shows up and steal their thunder. Digimon Hurricane Touchdown is a very confusing movie. Adventure's Patamon would be forever associated with Seraphimon as his Ultimate, though, and when Patamon eventually achieved the ability to go Ultimate in Tri, he did get to become Seraphimon again.Seraphimon's biggest role for me, however, was as part of Digimon Frontier, the fourth Digimon series and taking place in a completely different universe than the Adventure stuff, where Seraphimon was one of the Three Great Angels that are basically rulers of the Digimon World. This Seraphimon basically acted as the quest-giver for the characters there, before being killed by the bad guys and turned into a Patamon. I don't have much thoughts about the Seraphimon in Frontier.
Anyway, Seraphimon as a design is... honsetly kind of m'eh. It's still somewhat pleasant to look at, and definitely looks more regal than Angemon and HolyAngemon. I also like the little detail of Angemon having six wings evolving into the eight-winged HolyAngemon, before finally achieving the ten-winged Seraphimon form. Seraphimon attacks by manipulating seven balls of light called Seven Heavens, and apparently can blow himself up and turn himself into a Big Bang? What? Seraphimon's design is... okay, I suppose, which is why he still gets a 2/5 rating. The blue and silver armour is inoffensive, and the weird full-face mask is at least different. But I've never really been of a fan of the weird cloth with writing dangling from Seraphimon's crotch, and, well, I guess he just looks... not glorious enough, but at the same time still cluttered? I don't mind Seraphimon, though, which is why he's still getting points. He's one of those designs that I'll acknowledge at least looks good and is aesthetically pleasing (and hence the points), but definitely not as attuned to my aesthetics as many other early Digimon.


I do like the very mean-looking beak on this thing, and the eyelessness (although he always has those lightning-bolt marks) always looks cool. I've always liked Kunemon in the visual sense, but it's a shame that, well, he's never really done anything in fiction. I think Kunemon had a brief cameo as part of Arukenimon's huge bug army in an episode in 02, and was a villain-of-the-week in Savers? Eh. I do like Kunemon from a visual standpoint, it's just a shame that the Digimon franchise never really gave him a chance to, well, do anything.


Unimon's neat, and was one of the villains-of-the-week in both Adventure and 02, and thus pretty memorable to me since I watched a lot of both those series. Sadly, Unimon's one of those Digimon that feels somewhat ignored, never making an appearance in the anime after that, and never really getting a dedicated evolution or pre-evolution down the line. The original V-Pet, of course, had Unimon (and Centarumon below) evolve from Patamon, although it doesn't really make sense for a fat bat-hamster to turn into a horse. Patamon would, interestingly enough, get a pegasus-themed evolution in 02, making poor Unimon even more standalone. Oh well. I do like Unimon! He's cool, if somewhat bland.

Centarumon (a.k.a. Centalmon/Kentarumon)

But holy shit, if Unimon is a bizarre take on a unicorn, Centarumon is such an insane motherfucker of a centaur! Sure, it's got the basic body shape of a centaur nailed down -- upper humanoid body, lower horse body -- but the rest of him? His body is orange with these weird purple armour plates (according to his profile, those are secreted to the surface from the insides) grafted on to his body. He's got chains hanging down from his wrists, and his right arm can straight-up transform into a disturbingly organic "Hunting Cannon". His head is this metallic helmet with a single cylon-eye. And he's got exhaust pipes jutting out of his shoulder-blades... just because? And yet, somehow, all of these insane details stacked on each other never really feels too cluttered, especially in other artwork pieces that give him somewhat better poses. Apparently, Centarumon is insanely fast and powerful thanks to his exhaust vents and his transforming hand-gun, but is extremely fragile and runs out of energy very quickly. Yeah, definitely a huge fan of this one from a purely visual standpoint. What a crazy-looking motherfucker.

Orgemon (a.k.a. Ogremon)

Anyway, everyone who's watched Digimon Adventure will remember Ogremon as one of Devimon's two biggest lieutenants, being the archetypal brutish goon that hounds our heroes throughout a huge chunk of the original File Island arc. Ogremon is best defined by his rivalry with the noble Leomon, who ended up being mind-controlled by Devimon and utilized as another one of Devimon's top lieutenants. Ogremon would eventually return in the final arc, being chased by minions of the Dark Masters, and it turns out that Ogremon is the lesser evil here. He was rescued by the Chosen Children, and this bit of compassion ended up turning Ogremon into a rude ally throughout the entirety of the series, a definitely surprising turn of events for me as a kid... and especially surprising that of all the villains they chose to redeem, it's the demonic-looking Ogremon that they did so. Ogremon would appear as minor enemies in Savers, Hunters and Tri, but none quite displayed the sheer personality that Adventure's Ogremon did.
Ogremon is, obviously, based on the Japanese Oni, which often get translated into 'ogre' or 'troll' in English before they sort of gave up and imported the term oni in popular culture anyway. And Ogremon's sort of a combination of both Western and Eastern definitions of "ogre", incorporating a lot of elements of orcs and ogres in Western mythology into Ogremon's oni-based design. I do like Ogremon's design, embodying sheer brutish power as it mixes and combines basically every single trope associated with ogres, orcs, trolls and onis. Green skin? No clothing except for the leather pants and a whole fuck-ton of leather straps? A huge bone that serves as a club? Long arms and huge fists? Head-horns? Tusks? Muscles? Unkempt hair? A personality that's not quite stupid, but extremely violent and battle-hungry? Random bone-spikes on his shoulder? Ogremon's a pretty gruesome looking ogre, and apparently that bone was ripped off the body of a SkullGreymon -- something that's pretty impressive considering SkullGreymon's a full level stronger than Ogremon. Ogremon's attack, in addition to, y'know, being an ogre, is to shoot out a
In this original V-Pet, Ogremon evolves from either Patamon or Kunemon, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense, and then evolves into Andromon, which makes slightly more sense. Digimon would quickly introduce Goblimon (or Goburimon, as it was translated as for a fairly long time) as its default Child stage, but sadly doesn't have a dedicated Perfect stage, with WereGarurumon and Digitamamon often substituting as possible ones in video games. Oh well. Ogremon's pretty rad. Giant hulking brute monsters aren't my thing, but damn if Ogremon isn't a particularly great example of one.


In the original V-Pet, Bakemon is just one of the available Adult-level Digimon, but in some games -- most notably Digimon World -- the only way to get your Digimon to evolve into a Bakemon is to raise it so badly IT DIES, at which point there's a 10% chance it transforms into this ghost. In most subsequent games, though, it's not quite as morbid and Bakemon is just a possible evolution of many 'spooky' Child Digimon like Candlemon, Impmon and PicoDevimon.
In the anime, Bakemon was initially introduced as a one-off villain in a particularly spooky episode where they disguise themselves as monks in a monastery that kidnap the Chosen Children and prepare to straight-up sacrifice the kids to a bigger Bakemon... only for them to be beaten by Buddhist mantras. This Bakemon is the first Digimon in Adventure to straight up be killed instead of driven away or broken free from mind control, too. Later on, Adventure's most infamous villain Vamdemon (Myotismon to the dub people) would employ a literal army of Bakemon when he invades the real world, although these Bakemon end up honestly being pretty much fodder enemies that even some humans with sticks manage to actually beat up the poor Bakemon.
Bakemon's a very simple ghost monster, but honestly a pretty well-designed one. Most people overlook Bakemon because there are so many cooler monsters in the Adult-level department if you're in the market for spooky monsters, but I, for one, appreciate this little ghost minion. Bakemon's got a couple of genuinely cool Perfect-level evolutions in Phantomon and Pumpmon/Pumpkinmon, both of whom we'll cover much later.


Shellmons sadly don't actually appear a lot in the anime, only showing up a couple of times in Adventure and 02. It sadly doesn't really have much going on beyond that design, but it's such a fun blend of different animals and I'm honestly a pretty big fan. Not much else to say -- a very solid hermit crab slug dinosaur monster.



Andromon's design has always struck me as pretty damn cool, with the huge, chunky lower arms contrasting nicely with the sinewy upper arms (quite literally in the left arm's case), the long, tapering sharp claws, the skull-shaped helmet and the way it attacks in the anime -- Andromon was one of the few Digimon to consistently show two special moves in the anime, and both of them look cool! "Spiral Sword" involves him spinning his right arm so fast that it becomes a blade, and then it somehow slices the air and shoots a blade of energy at the enemy. "Gatling Missile" causes Andromon to shoot the same fleshy piranha-missiles that MetalGreymon shoots from its nipple-compartments. Andromon's profile noted that Andromon was the prototype for cyborg Digimon, developed alongside Ultimate-level Boltmon, and is the prototype for the technology behind MetalGreymon and Megadramon.
Andromon has been one of the more recurring characters in the different anime, first showing up in Adventure as the very first Perfect-level Digimon the Chosen Children encounter (as early as episode 5, I believe?) and is so powerful that he beat up two Adult-level Digimon effortlessly, leading to resident Knowledge-expert Koushiro to find an alternate way -- which is to strike the Black Gear controlling Andromon's mind. Andromon would return as a long-running ally in the Dark Masters arc, even personally battling against Mugendramon and Piemon... and somehow surviving, which considering the insane bodycount Adventure gets in its later stages, is pretty impressive. The same Andromon also make an appearance, mind-controlled again, in 02, although being a Perfect-level Digimon he ends up being able to break free from the control.
In Digimon Tamers, Andromon is actually elevated to partner status! Andromon ended up first being a local freedom-fighter, the only Digimon in a village to do battle against a vile Orochimon, and ended up inspiring the Tamers to help him out. Andromon ended up befriending one of the minor supporting cast, Hirokazu, before eventually becoming his partner... but after regressing into his Adult stage, Guardromon. Overall, Andromon's been a pretty cool dude! Even without his relatively huge-for-a-supporting-cast role in Adventure and Tamers, Andromon's already got a pretty decent design.


Sukamon & Chuumon (a.k.a. Scumon & Tyumon)

Ah, Sukamon.The bane of so, so many jokes! Even worse than Numemon, Sukamon was the big loser Digimon back in the day, because while Numemon is a sewer-dwelling slug that throws shit around... Sukamon is... a pile of shit. Yeah. Among all the 'bad evolutions' in Digimon, I think none quite embody "you fucked up" as much as your Digimon turning into a literal pile of shit with arms and the goofiest looking set of teeth that sometimes bisects Sukamon's entire body. The Digimon profile books note that Sukamon was born out of the scrap data from the Recycle Bin, whereas most other games have Sukamon be the default 'bad evolution', either doing double duty with Numemon or the two being different results of you taking care of your Digimon poorly in different ways. And... and honestly, once you get past the sheer ridiculousness of a living golden poop monster, Sukamon actually has a bit of a charm to it. The separated lower jaw, the random metal blobs and leather belts that Sukamon has on his arms... and it even has a little ugly-ass pink rat buddy hanging on his head!
Sukamon's more famous appearance in Digimon Adventure was trying to get a kiss from resident girly-girl Mimi, and later ended up being somewhat helpful before tragically dying offscreen in a moment that is absolutely played straight when our main cast of characters meet poor Chuumon alone. Man, I've never felt so sorry for a piece of crap before. Or, as the dub would have it, "lemon custard".

I'm not the biggest fan of toilet humour, but Sukamon just takes it so freaking far that, hey, I can't help but find some charm to him. If nothing else, he's so ridiculous that the sheer absurdity of having a talking poop monster ends up looping around from being in poor taste to being just simply ridiculous. I also remember that there's a Sukamon-dedicated area in Digimon World, Trash Mountain, where it's filled with Sukamon, Numemon and their variants, ruled over by the biggest pile of shit ever, King Sukamon (Sukamon Dai'ou in the original Japanese), a big Sukamon with a crown made out of scrap metal. Overall, I... I don't mind Sukamon, as much as it surprises me to say this. He's a'ight.


Outside of Adventure, though, this self-proclaimed "King of Digimon" is more played up as a joke. In both the V-Tamers manga that ran alongside Adventure, as well as the far-later Xros Wars, Etemon's treated more as a joke villain. Ditto for the games. Which I suppose suits it better. I mean, Etemon isn't even a real monkey, if the stitches across its arms and the suit-like consistency is anything to go by. That kind of means that Etemon's basically the same thing as Monzaemon or ExTyrannomon -- he's a suit operated by a smaller Digimon inside. In this case, it's freaking Sukamon, a pile of crap. Huh! Considering that "shit-talking" is kind of a slang, I guess it sort of fits that Sukamon evolves into a boisterous, loud and aggressive bully that is thinks he is a superstar.
I do like the little detail of the little Monzaemon doll on its waist. As a kid, I thought Etemon killed Monzaemon off-screen and turned him into a doll (another big bad, Piemon, would do just that later on), but apparently they're just kind of good buddies, although the Bandai profile does note that Etemon "pulls Monzaemon's strings". Overall, I actually like Etemon a fair bit. Not because of his design, because it's honestly quite simple and bland, but because of the sheer ridiculousness of a crazy Elvis-impersonator rockstar monkey-suit, and the fact that out of so many Digimon they can pick from, they pick this one as the main villain for a portion of their series.
Rock on, Etemon. Rock on.

Neat fact, King Sukamon got official bandai art. There is even a smaller Sukamon where chuumon would be!