JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 18-19: Shigechi's Harvest, Parts 1-2

Josuke and the also-broke Okuyasu then end up finding a bunch of tiny little four-armed bee gremlin-things running around gathering chump change, and after following these new Stands, end up finding the owner, a fellow student Yangu "Shigechi" Shigeiyo (a pretty grotesque-faced dude with... spikes on his head for some reason)... and it's all but stated from Shigechi's mannerisms and very, very simple outlook and childishness on life that the kid's probably on the autism spectrum in some degree. And moreso than any other antagonist in Diamond is Unbreakable, Shigechi's probably the most sympathetic, with the entire events of this two-parter being more of a bunch of friends having an angry spat over money.
Shigechi is pretty friendly, quickly accepts Josuke and Okuyasu as his friends for simply having the same power, and even offers to give him part of his collected money just because they're friends -- and the writing makes Josuke and Okuyasu very likable as well, firmly establishing that while they are willing to get Shigechi to help them make money, they're not going to take Shigechi's own money, isn't going to do anything illegal and is going to split up the rewards in a way that favours Shigechi.
Josuke ends up coming up with a scheme to get Shigechi's Stand, Harvest, to collect stamps and other coupons instead (with Crazy Diamond on paper restoration duty) so that they can change it for cash rewards.... and when they do hit the payday, Shigechi suddenly ends up being big-headed, and refuses to pay half as agreed, only giving Josuke and Okuyasu 10K yen out of the 60K they obtained, with Josuke noting just how much getting a lot of money has changed Shigechi. Josuke and Okuyasu decide to be 'adults' and be mature about it, taking solace that they still get some money... but things end up getting a bit crazy when Okuyasu ends up finding a winning lottery ticket for 5 million yen among the scraps that Harvest collected.

Harvest ends up being pretty damn horrifying -- it's essentially kind of the same thing as Bad Company, which we saw earlier in this season, but also a bit better considering just how fast Harvest seems to be, and the fact that each Harvest have enough power to gouge out flesh. We also get a fun bit where Shigechi just lies down and have a whole ton of Harvest just move him around like a travelator. Shigechi isn't actually going to kill them, mind you, but he does manage to do some really fun and horrifying applications with Harvest like going immediately for the eye, or to inject alcohol straight into Josuke and Okuyasu's blood to make them tipsy.

It's a pretty simple storyline with a simple moral message, honestly, although Shigechi and Harvest are a pretty interesting combination. If not for Shigechi's important roles later on in the series, however, this probably would've been one of the less-memorable stories, if a pretty fun and light-hearted one, in Diamond is Unbreakable.
The JoJo Playlist:
- Shigechi's Stand, Harvest, is apparently named after Neil Young's song and album, Harvest.
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