JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 20: Yamagishi Yukako Dreams of Cinderella

We also get a brief cameo from Kira walking past the shop, but, again, he isn't relevant for this episode. Worth noting that in the manga, this particular story arc actually happens after the huge Kira events that's going to take place in the next episode, but the re-ordering definitely makes a lot of sense to get the less-tense episodes out of the way and prevent mood whiplash.

Yukako confronts Aya about the effect only lasting for 30 minutes, while Aya notes that that's just how things work, comparing her own methods to that of the story of Cinderella, where she sees herself as more of a fairy godmother that complements appearances and gives opportunity. There's also a bit of a weird bit where she fondles Yukako's boobs. Aya then proceeds to use Cinderella to modify nearly the entirety of Yukako's body, with the condition that Yukako has to use a special lipstick every 30 minutes. Also somewhere during this, Yukako quickly figures out that Aya is a Stand-user... but a non-malicious one.

We get a brief time-skip, and Koichi ends up telling Josuke and Okuyasu that he's actually starting to fall for Yukako, and I absolutely love the physical gag of Josuke very nearly falling out of the window until he summons Crazy Diamond to catch him. I also like how Josuke and Okuyasu quickly assuming the worst, and then going "oh, if you like each other, then it's fine!"
Koichi goes off to find Yukako, whose face is apparently falling apart and deteriorating because somewhere off-screen she forgot to put on her lipstick? That is probably the weakest part of this episode, this pretty weird non-sequitur with a pretty important event that happens offscreen. How hard is it to add a simple scene of Yukako being too excited by the kiss to put on the lipstick?

Not my favourite episode, because there are some segments that didn't flow all that well, and I kind of wished that they had done more to make Koichi's attraction to Yukako (and Yukako mellowing out) grow more organically throughout the series. The anime at least added a bunch of random scenes of Koichi and Yukako meeting each other and locking eyes as filler scenes in previous episodes, but I dunno... I think the story ends up leaning towards a bit too much towards being uncomfortably playing out like Stockholm Syndrome, and I kinda wished that they had developed Yukako a bit more as a character removed from her intensity in chasing love. I think it's paced and flows a bit better as a single episode of anime, because I remembered being quite put off by this arc's equivalent in the manga (its placement in the story is also a contributing factor, admittedly).
I'm also not quite sure if I like Tsuji Aya, who honestly seems pretty much running by her own rules as to just how much of Yukako's fate she's willing to interfere. But eh, at least Yukako and Koichi end up being adorable together, and that's neat. One thing that I definitely appreciated in this episode (which I don't think is present in the source material) is the usage of traditional fairy tale painting art (google tells me the art-style is called Nouveau) during some stills. I thought that was appropriate.
The JoJo Playlist:
- While Cinderella's role in this episode and Tsuji Aya's motivations are clearly based off of the folktale of Cinderella, there is a 80's rock/metal band called Cinderella, known for Don't Know What You Got and Nobody's Fool.
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