Overlord, Season 3, Episode 4: Giant of the East, Demon Snake of the West

The episode starts off with Ainz asking Lupusregina about just why the hell is she hiding things about Carne Village from him, information that Ainz wouldn't have stumbled upon had he not ran into Enri during his guise as Momon. We're not 100% sure if Lupusregina is genuinely being innocent and she genuinely just thinks that none of that is important to Lord Ainz... of is she is sadistic and wanting the humans to die -- which would be problematic since this means that the Nazarick NPC's can betray Ainz, and this is a far less benign version compared to Sebas's own independence causing him to rescue a human girl.

Not sure how much of this is true, mind you -- a little of both, I suppose? Ainz clearly have been losing more and more of his human empathy, but it's clear that he gets attached to specific humans like Ninya and Nfirea, provided he spends time with said specific humans.

After appearing like a goddamn awesome chessmaster while protecting both his reputation and Carne Village's safety, Ainz and Aura then goes off to look for this "Giant" and "Snake"... and it's definitely a much-needed bit of screentime for Aura. I'm pretty sure Aura and Mare remain the most consistently forgettable of the Floor Guardians, with neither of them really getting much spotlight beyond a couple of obligatory lines here and there.

Ainz and Aura end up in a place where ogres and trolls (which are beak-nosed ogres) are apparently trying to emulate the Fake Nazarick that Aura was building in the forest, and then as Ainz shows up, accidentally kills an ogre with a backhand, and meets the Giant of the West, a mighty green troll, we get a bit about how the Giant, Gu, laughs at Ainz for having a weak, cowardly name. Because it's made up of three words.

Ainz basically prolongs the fight to test out just how powerful Gu's sword is -- intending to 'gift' it to the people of Carne Village. We also establish that trolls can apparently regenerate from wounds, but it hurts like hell... which then Ainz capitalizes on by brutally breaking Gu's bones just to hurt him, and after a bout of humiliation, Ainz kills Gu and his followers. "I AM DEATH!" is pretty cool, and I do find it hilarious that this is apparently the Level 5 version of the Aura of Despair that Ainz uses to 'beat' Hamsuke. Ryraryus quickly grovels and swears fealty to Ainz, although I'm not quite sure if he's going to have as much screentime as other 'recruits' like Hamsuke and the Lizardmen.
Ainz then asks for a troll minion from Ryraryryus, wanting to "test" Lupusregina and experiment with troll zombies. It's overall not the most eventful storyline, and I must say that the conversation between Ainz and his bluffing his way through his minions' questions is fafr more entertaining than the genuinely pretty bland encounter with Gu and Ryuaruas... but it's not bad, and it sets up a pretty fun plot hook as it's implied that Ainz uses Ryrauaayus as a proxy to cause an attack on Carne Village to test it out. Now we'll see if Lupusregina will protect the humans, and if any of the names not on the list will die.
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