JoJo's Bizarre Attack: Diamond is Unbreakable, Episode 24: Sheer Heart Attack, Pt. 2

Also, as a follow-up to the whole "range is inversely proportional to power" bit, Echoes Act 3 explains to Koichi that thanks to his increased powers, Koichi (and Echoes) have to be five meters from Sheer Heart Attack for the effect to take place, and that the closer Koichi is, the more powerful the effect is going to be. Koichi notes that all they need is to wait for the five minutes it'll take for Josuke to show up... but, of course, it's Kira that arrives on the scene first.

And then Kira goes into a bit of a hilarious rant about how he's torn between his need to improve his stamina by going to the gym, and his own OCD making him worried about "using the same dumbells that some jackass that has just touched his dirty penis". Really, some of the dialogue in JJBA is just... kind of out there. More unsettlingly, Kira also notes that he knows all about Josuke, Okuyasu and Yukako.
And while Echoes might prove pretty powerful against a single target, Kira basically has two things that Koichi has to fight -- Killer Queen and Sheer Heart Attack, and Killer Queen manages to karate-chop Echoes away pretty easily. "S.H.I.T." indeed, and the karate chop ends up knocking Echoes away and freeing Sheer Heart Attack.

And then Kira just punches straight through Koichi's chest.
And considering how Kira's basically established as a hero-killer at this point, it's honestly very, very easy for me to accept when reading this part in the comic that Kira is going to kill either Koichi or Jotaro -- who ends up standing up from his wounds. After all, if you didn't buy that Jotaro was in danger from Sheer Heart Attack last episode, a one-on-one valiant battle to take down or stall the main villain is certainly not a bad way to go out.

We get a dark comedy bit as Kira ends up getting bothered by Koichi's inside-out sock and puts it in place before properly killing him, but, of course, Jotaro ends up standing up and praising Koichi's utter balls in the face of danger, and apologizing for underestimating the boy.
And while Jotaro was definitely hit with the Worf effect last episode, the bit here where he pretends to be too wounded to fight, before suddenly summoning Star Platinum and whacking the previously-untouchable Killer Queen straight in the face is pretty god-damned badass. An extra layer of awesomeness is the fact that it's Kira's accidental usage of the word useless ("muda", Dio's catchphrase) was what trigger Jotaro to suddenly unleash his barrage.

And it is amazingly cathartic to see Star Platinum unleash an ORA ORA ORA ORA ORA barrage that took pretty long, set to his signature background tune from the previous season. Especially cathartic considering how relatively impotent Star Platinum was against Sheer Heart Attack in the previous episode.
Also hilarious is Jotaro's pretty bad one-liner about "oh, you have a nice watch. I'm going to break it. By your watch, I mean your face." Which is just a one-liner that does not make any sense. Clearly Jotaro's lost his touch at dropping one-liners since Part 3.
This actually takes out Kira, but Jotaro himself collapses due to his wounds. There's a pretty interesting scene that follows as Josuke and Okuyasu finally reaches the battle site and absolutely panics at seeing Jotaro and Koichi near-death. Kira tries his best to crawl away, but when he's confronted by Josuke and Okuyasu, Kira actually pulls off a clever bit of deception considering neither Josuke nor Okuyasu know his face, screaming at how "aaah, the shoe store exploded randomly! Help me!" but makes a mistake when he panics and asks Josuke to "fix" him, causing Josuke to quickly deduce that he saw Crazy Diamond.

Everyone takes their sweet time to deal with Kira and doesn't restrain him, though, allowing Kira to unleash Sheer Heart Attack, and Kira proceeds to slice off his own hand, allowing Sheer Heart Attack to rampage independently without the potential of Echoes affecting it. It's pretty hilarious, then, that Josuke just uses Crazy Diamond to 'fix' Sheer Heart Attack and send the severed hand flying back towards Kira's body. It's a bit odd that Jotaro didn't just, y'know, stop time. Or Koichi didn't just send Echoes's earlier forms out to chase Kira... but I suppose they're wounded?

Also, Kira knowing about Aya isn't out of nowhere -- one of Kira's longer cameos was walking past Yukako and Aya during their episode, and in the manga it's even more blatant that Aya was a plot device, being introduced between the Shigechi-dying arc and the Sheer Heart Attack arc.
It's honestly a very narrow escape from utter defeat from Kira, and I've remembered Kira's confrontation with Koichi and Jotaro as one of the most tense parts of Diamond is Unbreakable. I still feel like the story ends up making Kira's escape feel a bit too convenient -- maybe throw in a line about how Jotaro's still wounded, or have Sheer Heart Attack actually buy some time instead of just getting immediately repaired... still, it's minor complaints to an otherwise very tense and badass episode, leading to a pretty badass cat-and-mouse game, and the abrupt death of one of our heroes' allies.
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