Monday 1 June 2015

Boku no Hero Academia 44 Review: Crazy Faces

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 44: Compensatory Free Day of Rest

Not much really happened here, and it's mostly just a cooldown chapter, but it manages to pack in a fair bit of information and content nonetheless. We get the obligatory award ceremony... with Bakugou chained up to the podium because he's fucking struggling like a wild dog. That image is truly hilarious. Iida has apparently gone off to visit his brother, so we get Todoroki in second place and Tokoyami in third place.

All Might shows up to deliver medals, and I do like how he isn't just fixated on Midoriya, and actually takes time to talk to Tokoyami, Todoroki and Bakugou about how to improve as he gives their medals. Tokoyami needs to improve himself physically and not just rely on his (awesome) quirk all the time, All Might confirms that Todoroki has at least matured somewhat regarding the things that bother him, and Bakugou, well... the moment All Might removes his gag, he pulls off this awesomely hilariously horrifying face with eyes pulled up like demonic horns. All Might says something along the lines of wearing the gold medal like a wound, and attaches it to Bakugou's teeth so he will wear it for the ceremony.

We get a generic inspirational speech about how the students will be the heroes of the future and an unfunny funny joke where everyone expected All Might to shout PLUS ULTRA or some stuff like that.

We cut back to class, where Eraserhead announces that they'll get a holiday. Yay holidays! Holidays are nice. Apparently after the break, Eraserhead will go through nominations from pros and whatnot, so we have something to look forward to at least.

The rest of the chapter is then a bit of a slow montage of the individual characters recuperating. We've got Iida visiting the wounded Ingenium, who manages to survive although he's really, really in danger. Apparently the doctors there have a way of knowing that if the operation was started two minutes later, he will die. Um, I don't think it works that way. Todoroki goes off to the mental institution his mother is in to visit her... but the chapter cuts away before anything interesting can happen because god damn. It's easily the most interesting thing in this chapter for me, at least.

Uraraka has her eyes pop out when her parents are apparently waiting for her at her home doing their best impersonation of a horror movie, and we get a visual gag as Mama-Uraraka pushes Uraraka's popped-out eye back in. Man, all the crazy faces. Midoriya's mother is as supportive as ever, but she talks about how many times she fainted and everything and Midoriya reflects on the fact that he needs to find a way to use his quirk without fucking himself up all the time -- which is totally a good thing to work towards because holy fuck man those fingers.

We close the chapter with a single panel of Bakugou brushing his teeth shouting 'DIE YOU BACTERIA FUCKS' which is going to be what I will say to myself in the mirror every time I brush my teeth from this day onwards.

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