Monday 22 June 2015

Nanatsu no Taizai 129 Review: Druids & Cave of Flashbacks

Nanatsu no Taizai, Chapter 129: Sacred Land of the Druids

A bit of a slower chapter, and I'm really antsy to get to the Ten Commandments. It's like every time we're about to get to the Ten Commandments we get interrupted by something -- Team Gilthunder's little journey, Gowther going berserk, Diane's flashback, Ban and King in the forest... not that all those things are uninteresting, but I really, really want to get to the good shit.

Team Meliodas arrive at the Stonehenge-counterpart, and apparently one of the doorway-looking stone formation is a portal to the land of the druids, though it needs the permission of the people at the other end of the portal to let them through. And the Druids waiting for them are a pair of young girls, who are the masters, and this burly scary-looking dude that's apparently just their bodyguard. Also, fifteen years old.

The, uh light-haired girl (it's a black and white manga, it can be either blonde, white, pink, light green or anywhere in the colour spectrum) with a black dress is Jenna, and the dark-haired girl with a white dress is Zaneli. The big dude is Theo. They're all acquainted with Meliodas, and Zaneli in particular seems to have... a thing for Meliodas, pulling Meliodas' hand and putting it on her breasts, though Meliodas seems to not really mind either way. Also she gives Elizabeth this look that either means Zaneli is her sister or it's a love-rivalry thing. Don't care either way.

Jenna spends most of her appearance in this chapter tormenting and mucking around with poor Hawk. Hawk and Threader are just reacting to the general insanity involving the druids, King is barely shown and just brooding, Gowther and Arthur are just standing on the side observing stuff. Presumably King and Gowther knows what's what, so naturally they don't get a lot of lines in this chapter.

Zaneli leads Meliodas and Elizabeth (who's all 'oh no how does lady Zaneli see lord Meliodas') into this dark cave, telling Meliodsa that he needs to get through a trial before he can regain his power... and then the cave is transformed into Danafor, and Meliodas meets Liz.

It's not really that surprising, honestly, because using a flashback or a 'face your greatest fear' thing has been a trope in fiction ever since Yoda's Dagobah cave in Star Wars and we've had our share of similar situations in most manga. No idea what Meliodas is supposed to do in this flashback-illusion thing, or why Elizabeth is dragged into the cave as well... maybe she's going to stand in for Liz in some sorts? I'm just more interested in seeing just how the Danafor situation went down and maybe some explanation from Merlin regarding just why/how she took Meliodas' power during the whole Zaratros affair.

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