Friday 5 October 2018

My Hero Academia 201 Review: A Big-Ass Cannon

Boku no Hero Academia, Chapter 201: Look Ahead To The Future

Bit of an interesting choice, for sure. The chapter starts off with it seeming to be a typical "turnaround for the good guys!" chapter, with Momo summoning a cannon, whacking Kendo with it, and then launching an item towards her allies -- the Yaoyorozu Lucky Bag -- which allowed Tokoyami and Hagakure to get a significant advantage against the 1B members. 

And while this does seem to imply that Momo is going to take a loss against Kendo in direct combat and the 1A team is going to take overall victory, turns out that... nope, the 1A team just got utterly wiped out. It's a close victory, mind you.  

Tokoyami does charge in with his black shadow in a pretty awesomely named "BLACK ANKH SABBATH" attack, taking down both Kuroiro and Kinoko in one blow, while Hagakure beats up Manga.. but then Kinoko reveals that she's unleashed another set of mushrooms, Schizophyllum commune*, inside Tokoyami's windpipe. Which is... which is just pretty fucking brutal, honestly. And then Kendo shows up to rescue Manga from Hagakure, leading to a decisive victory for 1B.

*It's not that horrifying, Schizophyllum is a medicinal, edible fungus and not toxic at all.

I really kind of wished it didn't happen that sudden -- I don't mind the 1A characters losing, since, as everyone in this chapter noted, it's honestly not even a bad loss, with both Momo and Tokoyami being pretty damn badass. But the way that Momo was just dispatched off-screen, and Tokoyami gets taken out in a rather undignified fashion, probably rubbed a lot of people the wrong way. I don't personally mind, though -- again, this 1A-vs-1B fight doesn't really have any sort of high stakes, and it's just more of an exhibition match to show off their progress and power. 

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