Wednesday 3 October 2018

What's Going On

Hey guys, I think it's been some time since I caught did one of these. A lot of September's output, other than my manga reviews, have been... very sporadic in times of update, due to some real-life stuff. And honestly, that's why I tended to review older series most of the time -- it allows me to bulk-watch and scribble down some notes, and then slowly work my way through reviewing them. I'm going to kind of note just what sort of content you can expect from me now that I'm done with a couple of huge projects -- namely, "Gotta Review 'Em All", my gigantic project to talk about all (now 808!) Pokemon that exist out there; as well as "Lore of Hearthstone", my equally-gigantic project to talk about all of the Warcraft-flavoured lore behind the Hearthstone cards.

File:GoldenWindSiteBackground.jpgIt's been easily one of my favourite projects on this site, due to how utterly fun it  is to read up on topics I'm passionate about, and to put my opinions on them into paper. In the future, I'll still be continuing them as we go on, although I think I'll lean more towards monster-review style like Gotta Review 'Em All because it's going to allow me a whole lot more freedom to talk instead of just regurgitating information. Sometime in the future, expect Zelda or Elder Scrolls flavoured versions of Gotta Review 'Em All. Individual RPG games tend to have a significantly less amount of monsters for me to work through. Someone asked me if I am going to do Digimon... and we'll see. My opinions on Digimon tends to be... very "First-Genner" or "GENWUNNER", the same kind of attitude I kind of bash while I was reviewing Pokemon. We'll see, as far as Digimon goes. First up I'll have to try and figure out the order of reviewing Digimon in the first place.

I've also very recently finished my final review of Overlord's first season.... and I've honestly fallen in love with the series. Expect season two and three to be up pretty quickly. We've also started to work our way into the "Battle in Egypt" portion of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders, and that is definitely a series I'm planning on reviewing every single episode of its anime. Diamond is Unbreakable is very highly-rated and noted as one of the best anime adaptations ever, and we're getting Vento Aureo at the point of writing this. (I might have to go back to my season one reviews and prune them a bit. They're kind of... embarrassing)

I'm not sure if I'm going to review any other anime, though. I had blazed through Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans recently, but due to my binge-watch I kind of think that I'm probably not going to do episodic reviews for it. My opinion basically boils down to "it's pretty good, if dark". Cells At Work have continued to be charming and fun. I've also been watching through some old sci-fi anime, currently through Ghost in the Shell, and I'm... I'm not sure if I'll review this? We'll see.

File:Overlord II Promotion Poster.pngSomeone suggested me reviewing Boku no Hero Academia's anime, but I'm genuinely not sure if I will  have anything interesting to say. I'll definitely give the (relatively short) three seasons a whirl, though, because it has insane production qualities... but having reviewed a huge chunk of its stories when they were serialized in manga -- which is why I have no problems reviewing JJBA despite being pretty familiar with the source material.  Maybe I'll review each season as a whole, and then talk about any additions or substractions?

Manga reviews... expect them to actually be a little less frequent. I tend to find very, very little to talk about individual chapters, honestly, especially for anything that's not One Piece, Attack on Titan and My Hero Academia. I know there's a significant part of readers who are here for manga content, but I don't think I can really deliver. Expect things like Nanatsu no Taizai and the newly-returned-to-serialization Hunter x Hunter to just have maybe "monthly" reviews where I talk about around four or five chapters at once. If I still do them. I am so behind on reading half of the mangas I normally read as well, too, which is why I haven't been doing reviews for Jojolion or One-Punch Man or Promised Neverland and a whole lot of others.

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As far as new series goes... I'll still do superhero stuff, of course, when they come out. I hope I can get through Iron Fist season two within the next month? I am planning to review other live-action TV series, preferably shorter ones. The second season of Westworld is definitely something I'll try to work through this month or the next.

As far as superhero cartoons go, I'm definitely enjoying Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes's second season. After I finish up with that, I'm planning to review either Batman Beyond or Ultimate Spider-Man, but that won't be for a while. The fantasy-sorta-spinoff of Simpsons and Futurama, Disenchanted, is also something that I'm actually somewhat interested to watching, and I'm probably going to review it? It's like, twelve, thirteen episodes, so hopefully it won't take me that long. Other highly-recommended cartoons that I've been seeing crop up are Rick & Morty and Bojack Horseman. We'll see if I review either of those. If my reviews of Overlord is anything to go by, it seems that I kind of need an infusion of something new and fresh.

As always, any recommendations for any anime, cartoon or TV show -- hopefully not a long-running one -- is always welcome.

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